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Thursday, July 30, 2009
~ 9:38 PM ~
wee....just came back frm concert at the "durian" its the...SYF closing chinese orchestra ceremony....or something like tht...
anw dam nice sia the china group..
at firt got a part them hum(?) to the tune...it sounded exactly like an instrumnt.
they practically "sing" throughout while playing and btw...that IS hard when one is playin at tht speed.
their voice is..wow? lol anw will b taking grade 5 liuqin exams... sian la...at first dun wna go de...
haiz== oh well

Friday, July 24, 2009
~ 7:45 PM ~
omg... dam pissed sia at those boys
was waiting for bus 62 to go home suddenly got this dane-like dog came over to the bus-stop
his "leash" was broken (it was a white rope) and he had some red streak across his face legs etc.
seems like abuse but i dun wna make false accusation.
anw this malay boys were at the bus stop too
when they saw the dog they were sorta scared(?) so they were like dodging it.
the dog looked happy..in fact very happy though he is very very thin
well...the dog juz wanted company but every1 shun him and this indian guy tried to beat it till i glared at him then he quickly put on his ear phones and stare at his hp...
welll the malay boys started to spite the dog..making noises to get his attention.
well..he thought they wanted to play with him so apparently, he followed them.
well.. i tot thts gna b the end of it.. but little did i noe b4 i was gna board my bus, i saw an old grannie followed by the dog.
she was stroking it(she's nt the owner) and she said in hokien " wa..the dog do nothing y those boys wn to beat him" to her grandson i think
then the malay boys ran up to the grass slope there holding a slipper and grinning like a freaking b**tard
apparently he was the one who tried to beat the dog or possibly, already did so
he wanted to continue challenging the dog(most likely so he cn beat it again) till many of the ppl in the bus stop looked at where i was looking ( i didnt board the bus but walked and glared at him) tt grin went off his frking face then he ran away.
he was bout se2 two if im nt wrong..
i would hav chased him if he waz alone...but there was a gang of ppl wif him though they were sorta scared cuz every started to glare(glare nt stare) at them
they shuld get their retributions sia if they really did hit the dog ( high chance) dam them...they dun deserve to b human if they did tht.
if done in self defence i hav nth to say...but the dog was practically "smiling" the playful way so obvious he wanted t play nt attack.
if they scared then juz frk off la.. muz use "weapons" to beat it and treat like a joke ar?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
~ 10:35 PM ~
haiz sian la tio home quarintine 7 days
so many things will miss out la
like 2.4km run
then cnt go see harry potter half blood prince
cnt go buy my new sport shoes.
miss out alot on schoolwork.
will miss tml english presentation thingy
== alot of things la... haiz..
so shock la suddenly aft speech day prac tchr come ask all frm 2g to go and repot to GO wear mask
well the unlucky truth happened and 2G got a virus outbreak
lol seems like all the stuff always happens to 2G
kinda make it a really interesting class..
bout 13 ppl tio quarintine...i guess tchers too
lol anw quite alot of ppl were staring at us when they walk pass cuz we allw earing mask
muz hav look like a bunch of ducks xP
anw so i was one of the 13 tht tio quarintine lors.
homework and stuff will b snail-mailed or e-mailed.
oh well.. hope cn get off quarintine soon

Saturday, July 11, 2009
~ 11:35 PM ~
today was vsco's handover ceromony.
cuz of dat i missed my tuition...
zzzz y i sound so dead sia ==
anw didnt go for tuition cuz oready too late le.
new comittee le... nt bad xP
wlao their slideshop for photos...got MY blackmail photo T.T
curses whoever dat took dat!!! xP jkjk
anw after tht went to dad''s shop to do hw..
blah blah blah...
then went to suntec tony romas for my early birthday dinner
lol tony romas one of my fav. places =]
their ribs owns but kinda fattening X.X
oh well...nvr trust the staff ==
she told us what we ordereed nt enuf so we ordered extra....
in the end got so much tht cnt finish... LOL
same experience like last tym...order full platter then side dish in the end so much left..
oh well in the end price accnt to more than a $100...
oh well..nt like always eat de so yea... the queue super duper freaking long sia.
so it was kinda fun walking pass the whole queue and going into the place xP
kinda makes one feel...sorta superior =]
xPxP well then went to the fountain thingy.
juz nice toniught got water show o.o
nice sia but of all tyms, my phone battery went kaboomy
=.= always like dat de sia....nid use then battery flat dunnid use battery full
oh well they had this msg dedication thingy.
sis and rest went to write msg dedication for me o.o
just nice mine last few so my song was the last one O.O
oh well it was nice but too bad my phone was nt on cnt video it.
thx anw =]
hopefully this thingy would still be there like few more years from nw...
then cn... =]

Thursday, July 9, 2009
~ 10:42 PM ~
lol super funny sia...
it seems like almost anything and everything can come out from victoria school.
a bat swooped in from the toilet into my classroom( my class room near toilet)
the bat flew up clsoe to me and it looks super duper cute!!!
so funny sia see the whole class from outside duck as it flew inside and out then when back for round 2
hopefully we will get something else next tym=]
birds, bees, wasps, flies, ant attack.... Class G of 08 & 09 experienced it oready =]
bring on all the animals =]

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
~ 7:15 PM ~
lol juz found out tht my blog is kinda screwed up cuz of the vids below..
apparently itz sorta to big... well bear with it xP
gna go rip a quiz off jac's blog so cn push those vids off the blog xD
hope u dun mind =]

zzz decided its too much trouble so juz change the vid width n stuff..
shuld b ok nw bahs...
plus cnt rip the quiz off T.T he disabled it lol

Monday, July 6, 2009
~ 6:25 PM ~
well it sure has been obviously a long day today.
its been over a week since school started and i guess pretty much that my blog is dead ==
oh well. xP
anw some teachers change and stuff but one thing that was kinda cool was one of the hist. teacher's singing bowl.
u just sorta rub a stick thru the side of the bowl continuely and it makes this humming sound tht is somewht nice but justin says it gave him a stomach ache.
well anw today's youth day and it is supposedly suppose to b a holiday which i planned so mny darn stuff to do...only to b ruined by OPW....
darn u OPW!
well so left home at bout 8+ and reached at 9.45
heng arhx nt late bout 5 mins ltr jon ang came followed by ben.
tht was when fnd out tht daryl nt coming since he apparently have "something" on.
LOL oh wel...s waited for jacob lors. then j ang said he hungry so when into school then saw tht canteen nt open...(duh..) so when hostel canteen there lor.
halfway jac called so j ang cnt eat lors.
LOL sad xP
well at first plan was to walk the journey but somehow in the end is jac's mom send us throughout the journey,
lol well it sure do make thing faster but the sad thing is that unable to take video of the whole thing as actually wna take a video of the trail.
but how to take sia? lol in the car lehx.
so when around stopping at east shore i think
wa...cham lik sht la over there didnt noe what to ask so info super little seh
so went off to nxt destination..
wna go to grand hotel but it looks so broken dwn... =.=
so skip then at turning suddenly saw hotel malacca ==
no choice lor skip tht thn go some other place first
well we ran thru the list, occasionaly bumping into some problems.
but aft the first bad incident, we went thru pretty smoothly though there were some funnies along the way, it would b kinda hard to say it all so yea...IMAGINE =]
well went to seven eleven for lunch as jon wna eat there lol
so there we were, three boys standing there eating noodles.
lol first tym knew allowed to juz stand there, but well, guess thts cuz not much ppl there bahs.
jac, his mom and sis went further dwn frm 7-11 to a shop and ate there...
lol shuld hav went along xP
oh well... finished off at jon's hse to sorta collaborate everything.
but ended up seeing him play this super sadistic gam sia.
lol objective -> go arnd kiling ppl, practically cn see the guts of the ppl tht he kill and it goes on.
aft awhile me n ben decided to go ome le, then leave to daryl do lor xP
so lucky jon's mom was leaving the hse so she gav us a ride to bus stop then together tak bus 3 lor.
in the end reach home bout 5 le then remember still nidda do art science thing..
shit la so quick chiong nw lor.
zzz anw see this vid.
its kinda cool in a way...a vid of a space shuttle landing.
well was doing research for project thn stumble upon this vid.
anw hav fun watching=](somehow i guess)
jac's sis was somehow funny and cute lol

♫ Music To Me ♫

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All About Me

a boy who lived his life in singapore, follows the colour blue...he moved from edgefield pri.sch to victoria school where he will spend 4 years of his life...entered a cca by the name of VSCO whr he stays... a animal fanatic who goes by a nicky 'NoEd' and is officially -PRICELESS-



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Evan (Cous)
Sis ♥+

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En Quan


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Ching Ping
Hua Yang
Hui Min


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