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Wednesday, December 31, 2008
~ 8:00 PM ~

lolz lazy ka...
juz remembered since using my sis labtop so i might juz as well upload pics..
on second thoughts...
im juz gna upload my pic of my new wallet =]
lolz nt to say i show off or something but u guys/gurlz know y?
cuz i was the photographer in most of the pic ==
oh well if u wna c the pics then u cn go to me sis blog xp
i think she post le bahs lol
so u guys wna c go c bahs...

yea so sry to u guys dat might b thinking " wth nvr get for me souenier "
cuz i didnt bring money there ==
so sry kays?

~ 6:53 PM ~
lol was talking with xb on msn then remembered bout a thing my dog did today=]
dunno wat time la went to toilet wash hands..
went to my mum rm derhx then my dog all alone marhs so follow me lrrs..
he keep trying to jump up to the sink x]

so i carried him u lorrs n turned off the tap
he saw no water le so started to try n dig towards the bottom of the sink...xp
so i turned on the water lorrs...xD
he like first tym c water lik that started trying to bite the water xp
so i turned it on bigger lorrs...
he like abit scared he backed away so i turned it off
he saw no water le slowly literally crawled into the sink xD

so started scratching the sink again.
urned on water full all the way.
lolz this time like so happy started to try n bite the stream of water flowing down xD
so cute sia...until....
i found out that his snout all wet lerhs...lol i freaked out sia cuz mum that tym scold me cuz i got his fur all wet
xD wanted to carry him away but he growled at me ==
then i found out thats cuz i turned off the tap...lol?
lol so i turned it on agn for awhile let him play...
he tried to jump into the water but then when his front paw touched the water he jumped out..
haha so funny sia...
finally juz drain all the water out then carried him off the sink lrrs.
xp when i carried him to my sis my sis sorta scolded me sia..
haiz...oh well he dun mind it he sorta evn liked its who cares?

haha i bet nxt tym he will wna do that agn..
hope soon he will learn to turn on the tap himself xD

school's gna start soon... u all ready?

~ 6:06 PM ~
haiz..juz nw sianz lorrs so called hua yang to go dwn for badminton...
btw co nw break camp le horrs?
anw went hua yang came up to my hse wait at door..
lolz still hav t turn off com mahs..
went out lorrs...
dog so sad sia left my grandma n maid at home so he keep whining...

haiz...oh well so left hse slowly walk to hui yuan hse lorrs..
called his hp at first but no answer so we juz go up to his hse xD

went to hui yuan hse there the court...occupied ==
so we went bside the carpark there lorrs...played awhile..
got sian cuz no boundaries diff to play...

went to playground there lorrs...
played some games then juz slacked le lorrs..
waiting for the ppl at the court to go away...
then this indian guy came park his bike at lamp post there...
then he sat at the top of the playground..lolz

so we went n sit at the bottom part...
then this little bo came playing with his toy...
sort of those type of toys like top o.o
but will fly towards sky then fall back dwn...
we tot it will stuck on tree xp
well nth much thenso hua yang n hui yuan started talking bout thier band lorrs...
zzzz so i jzu liste lorrs..
suddenly the little boy toy fly towards me hit my back =.=
he juz ran over took the toy n ran away ==
this time saw his mum sitting at the concrete there...

finally those boys at court finished lorrs...dunno like they had a fight or something...
who cares? we got the court =]
so started playing lorrs...2 VS 1 then 1 VS 1 and so on...
i won =] but lost to hua yang 2 or 1 rnd?
zzzz then hui yuan say since i lost to hua yang must buy him a treat... ==
lol hua yang say dunnid...so we juz continued a little then stop le lorrs...

hua yang needed to go pp to cut hair so followed me lorrs...
zzz said dunno how to go...LIES!!
zzz FORCED me to go with him to go to prime zzzz
so bring him there lorrs..
talked some stuff then fnally reach.
oh well so said bye then walk home lrrs...
thought saw xb o.o appears c wrong lolz

so reached home le lorrs write this post..
overall this badminton match nt realli a real match...
lolz juz found out that hua yang like to smash alot...
and i improved alot oready =]
xD zhi kua x]

~ 1:05 PM ~
oh well this will b the last post of the yr..
nthmuch to say today...mayb asking hua yang n some other go out ltr...
so bored sia at home alone...one sis went to fren birthday pt for count down n another going out with frenz
no fair sia me one person at home...
anw found out sch starts this friday...haizz...still nt yet bought my calculator...
btw today last day of camp right?
haizz...gd lorrs u guys hav loads of fun bahs...
oh well... nth much to do today..juz gna go pack my school bag nw...

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
~ 6:51 PM ~








omg...some tell me pls...

im freaking out over here now PLS

im begging whoever i know...when isit?
pls say if u know...im bursting in flames RIGHT NW

~ 6:28 PM ~
today 2nd day of camp..
my fever subsiding le=]
btw when is first day of sch ( asking vs friends )?
someone seriously pls reply into my tag board T.T
anw...... report bout today=]

fever lowered so nw subsiding pretty fast... thats a GOOD thing...
lol im nt like SOME PEOPLE tat enjoys having fever and skipping camp....
speaking bout camp...bet u guys r having a great time =(
oh well...there is still next year =]
ok morning woke up by sis...cuz i asked her to...
today her sch cca orientation for sec 1 so she went to hlp lorrs...
so woke up got into msn...
nobody much there...
decided to go n pack nxt yr bk lorrs...
so pack pack pack until reach my english bk...
lolz flip open saw the stories quite interesting xD
i love stories o.o gotta problem?!
so quick quick pack all sec 2 books into shelf then throw sec 1 bk on the chair xD
started reading the book...

anw wanted to watch some smosh vids so opened few tabs to load
watched quite a number of em... nice=]
then decided to play some games lorrs...
went to some sort of fishing game o.o
nt much fun but i completed the game..lolz
muz hav patience...
anw im nt those who waste time=]
so i juz leave the rod standing wait for the fish to hook themselves lorrs..
went bck to reading english bk n history bk=]

sis came hme...
she waz going dwn to play badminton with her friend deborah so i wanted to go lorrs...
anw fever subsiding n its beta to sweat more so went along...
wanted to play at deborah's hse that side the court but decided nt to
went bck to my hse de then started playing lorrs..
since 3 person so in the end me VS 2 of em...

n my typical lazy sister got tired and didnt want to play
so they took turns....
aft awhile found out no water so i ran bck home to get some lorrs..
lolz cold water rox if u r thirsty =]
drank finish mine...by that tym both of them stop le...
they started talking...talk talk talk...
zzzz so i started play badminton alone lors...
hit then quickly run to the other side hit back...
so tiring == so in the end juz keep hitting to the sky lorrs...
try to hit higher n higher...then disaster struck....
i hit it then it flew to the back of a small little " house " the roof...
lolz so got another shuttle cock...int he end juz practice smash lorrs..
hit hit hit...saw me dad car driving towards us lolz...
so he drove off lorrs by that time the shuttlecock waz oready broken almost every corner...
wa sweat alot but fun=]

so went home first to blog this lorrs sis still talking wif deborah
anw ltr going out wif parents for dinner...
lol gd thing my fever subside le =]

hope u guys in camp hav great fun=]

nw cn someone pls say when is the first day of school??!!!

Monday, December 29, 2008
~ 10:49 AM ~
k guys gna post bout the games n desc that i played in the outdoor theme park...
hope i listed everything..

Spinner: (1 time)
some sort of game whr u sit on the swing n it sorta spin round so u will be "flying"
personally to be true...i didnt dare to try it b4...
lol i noe its kinda embarrasing but cuz of my over imaginative mind...
i always think that the metal chains will snap and u noe what will happen...
but this time i tried it=] quite fun though i keep having the feeling im gna be cataputed right out of my seat o.o

Super Tobogan:(1 time)

lol my first time sitting this cuz previous times that went to genting
either didnt fit the height requirement or didnt dare o.o lol?
quite fun but mostly only cn juz feel urself being pushed frm side to side lorrs..
overall quite ok larhs...

Pirate Ship:(3 times)

lol this one fun=]
first try sat at 3rd frm highest...
nt much thrill cuz facing the theme park
quite fun=]
second try sat at 2nd frm highest...
evn more fun !!
this time face outwards...
much more thrilling cuz when the boat is jerked right at maximum height
u will get the feeling that u r going to roll out of ur seat =]
third try sat at 4th frm highest =.=
well no choice cuz we were last few to get in so didnt get to sit right at the top..
in the end stop at 4th try lorrs cuz more n more ppl were queing...
lol fun part in this ride is when we hav a screaming competition with the other side..
lol c which side scream the loudest (on purpose duh?)

Flying Dragon (2 times)

Quite fun...only fun parts is when it enters indoors and all of us scream to get attention frm the ppl below xD and when it steeps to the side at the ending...
first try sit at right at the back... cuz thought it will b more fun at the back...
second try sit at head...
nt much difference but cn feel the steep turn beta...
so tips is when u sit that sit at front xp

Rolling Thunder Mine Train(2 times)

this ride ended pretty fast o.o
first time sitting it cuz last time didnt dare to o.o
oh well at least tried it...
thrilling part is when it plunges =]
first time sat at 3rd carraige
nt much thrill but still cn feel the plunge..
2nd time sit at back...
wa..SHIOK! lol over reacting...
cuz at the plunge if u sit at the back u will be practically lifted off but only a little ==
oh well so tips is sit right at the back...=]
oh yea...wna comment on how good their decor is...
totally awesome very realistic espacially at the part whr it entered the "caves"
a must try =]

Boating (1 time)

lol my sis hated this ride...
since there waz 3 of us (frm previous post shows parents when casino)
i sat with my 2nd sis cuz she dun like water rides...
oldest sis sat alone so teh boat was like sloping to 1 end x]
in the end her boat got problem turning and everything cnt work....
lolz took some pics bout that part xp
in the end me n 2nd sis push her boat back lorrs..
that ride ended early...
wanted to go for bumper boats...
but in the end didnt cuz queue too long ==
so went off lorrs...sad?

Dinosaurland (once)

nt for those who lacks patience ==
it is super slow... the queue is CRAZY!!!!
but we decided to try that cuz last time backed out...cuz no time...
well its kinda fun...though i kept wna leave when we were queing...
in the end the 2 reasons y it waz so slow
1st : there was only 2 boats... Max was to carry 12 persons each
2nd : it had to go into this barn thingy...tok bout it ltr
well when they entered the barn thingy...
the plastic dino comes to life and they close the other 2 doors which waz to enter n leave
btw we were in a boat ON water
they gave short description bout the dino
then the dino will start moving...
we were NEXT to the T rex..
zz its roar so loud sia..
well that ended then the boat drifted out..
put us at a platform where u cn walk arnd on the rocks to rope bridge n stuff..
took some pics..(may nt bother uploading cuz take long time ==)
overall quite nice but only thing is that waiting time is very long

Crazy Space Lab (once)

zzzz cn only say 1 thing...RETARDED
its juz u sitting dwn and then some crappy images appear then u start to spin(nt literally)
then the aliens starts to move then its over
only one thing to say...

ok by this time it was oready 12 pm so we went for lunch...
met mum n dad at escalator...
actually wanted to meet at main gate but so many ppl there oready ==
(mostly indians *NT RACIST)
had nasi lemak then decided to continue with games cuz movie no more seats =.=
well saw that the 4D motion master started ==
wanted to try that lorrs but the ticketing usher said not working...
in the end it was working ==
didnt sit that in the end lorrs... sad
it looked nice...last time tried alice in wonderland and some other...
damn nice...too bad didnt see this series
this ride IS nice..u guys should c

ok nw last ride of the day...i shall tell u why =.=

Sungai Rejang Flume Ride(once)

fun but waiting time is forever!
waited for over an hr...
there was this indian family keep trying to cut queue keep sitting on the railing then cut in front of ppl
zzz in the end me n sis with another family keep staring at them then they went away
well this ride is fun but it sucks for me this time rnd for me...
suppose to wear jacket cuz its a water ride n u will practically get soaked...
well i didnt and it was a mistake... A BIG MISTAKE....
so guys if u sit this WEAR A JACKET!
well went pass the first phase...practically the machine pulling u up then dropping u into the water..IN A LOG
well nt that bad but i got soaked cuz i sat in front with no jacket...
n i was wearing white T-shirt with white pants ==
got wet but nt that bad...
then DISSASTER strikes...
it started to rain...HEAVILY
and we were in the middle of the ride with a long way to go...
started to try n push ourselves so will go faster...
rain stopped... we were relieved...
then it started agn...
wth? keep start stop start stop
and the stupid ppl in front of us didnt evn tried to push themselves to b faster...
so all of us stucked behind...
in the end the remaining few log boats with ppl started to push them lorrs..
they were using a jacket covering themselves =.=
wth la dun wn move behind ppl all started shouting...
finally reached tghe end...by that time it was raining evn more heavily =.=
i was practicaly shivering man... normally i cn handle super cold temp
but his time Heavy rain + Strong wind + Mist + Water splashed all over body
zzzz i couldnt handle it...keep shivering...lol?
finally went to last phase... went evn higher this time...
zz felt like gna roll out of the log...
splashed into the water agn....
i was soaked to the skin... my shirt n pants all wet like hell...
lucky my shoe waterproof...lolz?
went to find mum n dad...cuz wanted to go back hotel room shower first...
so cold!!

took a shower...fell straight to sleep =.=
woke up 1 hr ltr... went dwn with mum n sis to get ice cream frm Baskin Robins
lol as said by my sis "malaysia's swensen"
their coffee flavour nice =]
aft that went to walk arnd shops lorrs...
bought a wallet and a small souvenier=]
pics will b posted at a later date bahs...
well reached night...went to hav some thai food=]
their tom yam soup ROCKS!
in the end didnt go to bowling ...
cuz all lanes occupied so dad said go sleep barhs...cuz me n sis all had less then 1hr of sleep in the bus...
so its like 24 hrs play 1 hr sleep
so went to sleep...wanted to play card game but too tired so sleep lorrs
that was the end of 2nd day... haiz...over so quickly T.T

gna post pics ltr bahs...
btw suppose to b in camp nw...but cuz of that flume ride...caused me to b sick so nt going le..
haiz... hope u guys in camp hav fun =]

wat should i do with it? im realli confused nw...give me a answer...please?

~ 3:27 AM ~
k guys im back from genting ~
its pretty late now so i believe i shouldnt talk much...
juz gna write a few preview bout this short trip(last minute)
well bassically i think its suppose to be 2 day 1 night?
lol i know its short but no other options so yea...
well i left on friday...so i shall start there...

Friday ---- 9pm+

nth much took mrt dwn with mum n 2nd sis to people's park centre...
mum went to buy some stuff...
my sis sat alone on the platform reading her book...lolz she looked like a homeless kid
aft that met up with dad... n oldest sis cuz sis went tuition b4 coming
went with dad to park his car at chinatown kreta ayer centre there...
aft that walked back....by that time time to board bus le..
so when to meet my mum n sis...went to the bus...
bus company 707 if im nt wrong...
no other bus == mum check le...
all booked...oh well at least we got a bus =]
went into the bus...lucky us we got a newer version so yea...its better?
couldnt sleep at all during the trip so listen to mp3 songs...
nobody to chat to mahs... 2 sis sit together...mum n dad the other 2 seats...
so i sit alone at the side lorrs =.=
decided to paly card game wit sis...lol
i know its embarrasing but i didnt know how to play dai ti*
well they taught me dai ti* n bridge so we played all teh way there lorrs...
stopped at quite a number of rest-room stops sooo...
bought two lao fu zhi comics at one of the stops...
on offer 2 for RM 6 only so worth it =]
in the end reach genting...i waz sleeping in the end.. but 1 hr plus lol?
-to be continued-
*nt realli sure how to spell it but thsoe who play shuld noe bahs=]

Day 2------- 3 am ?

went to get room...had to wait lorrs...
so walked arnd in lobby...didnt care to explore cuz went so many times le cn remember =.=
saw quite a number of ppl sleeping on the seats...
btw stayed at first world hotel...
lol last minute bookings too x]
so decided to plan teh day... didnt to listen to wat they were talking at all
lolz busy reading both my comics...finished both in 1hr + i think...
lol? so became sian lorrs...
oh ya..remembered my sis dropped her bottle in the bus so we had to find lors
juz nice the couple at the back of bus found it so pass to us=]
at same tym we found the passport of the guy sitting ebhind me..
so went to find him lors...
met him at escalator...he looked so happy=]

well since they said cn only get room at 12 pm so we walked arnd lorrs..
told me thier plans...
goes somewaht like this..
morning to 12 - outdoor theme park while aprents explore + casino
12 - quick lunch
2 15pm - movie (bedtime stories)
aft movie - quick dinner
aft dinner - shop? n slack
aft S and S - bowling=]
9 - 11 (estimate)- bowling...
aft bowling sleep lorrs....lol?

well that was the plan... cnt make this ppreview too long its oready long o.o
will b talking bout the games some other time...

Day 3------ *?

though it happened today but cnt realli remember time..
didnt bother...
woke up n waz sick...
will talk bout how i got sick in my nxt post...
well i cn juz say its bcuz of 1 of the games=.=
cnt say much ending juz went back to sg...dun wna say more..


lol dats pretty much what happened..
n yes..im sick nw...nt feeling well
dun think will b going to co camp in the end =.=
hav to c tml bahs...
nw running a fever so will jzu c my condition tml bahs...
posting bout outdoor games tml if im sick nt going to camp...
most likely ask sis write fer me xD

wat should i do with it? keep or give? some hlp pls?

Friday, December 26, 2008
~ 3:41 PM ~
k guys...this will b a quick post cuz i will be leaving at night...
going to genting for 3 days then come back in time to go for co camp...
bad news is cuz im starting to get a cold n stuff so yea... hope to b able to make it for camp bahs..

anw i will b finding new blogskin soon i guess n gna make blog simpler bahs...
cuz nw lik very...erm alot of extra stuff so gna redo...
wish me luck=]
dats all then =]


Thursday, December 25, 2008
~ 12:00 AM ~
woots..ok stayed up late for a special reason =]
watched some of the chnl 5 shows earlier..
yea i know u ppl are like " zzz..boring..." but who cares?

ok...com was STOLEN from my sis cuz she needed to complete her "homework"
so yea...no choice let her use lorrs since dad came home early cuz send car for some check-up
soo wen she was using decided to do some homework=] (last one)
no inspiration for the compo so tis tym took supa long =.=
well finally completed it while watching tv ><
at bout 10pm my dad suggested go get roti prata...
so in the end drove out to jalan kayu to buy lorrs...
wanted to eat there since so little ppl but didnt...
cuz remebered brought my dog along =.=
ok..so bought back home to eat..lol the end of that =]
aft tat juz slack lorrs...
so i requested to use this com n SURPRISINGLY i was allowed=]
well juz to type this post yea... oh ya...
will b adding some christmas song as tempo for christmas...
going to add soon =]
ermms one more thing...
i forgot to post in my previous post..
got a phone call frm uncle stan ( those who were my closest frenz in edgefield will know)
yep he waz overseas since he live overseas..
still cn remember the time he came to my hse to stay =]
those days were great!!
lolz its true...
i waz taught a card trick sort of to guess ur age n what number u r thinking of..
still cn remember i guess =]
those tat were with me during tat tym shuld hav seen that trick in sch too=]
i showed u guys remember? i hope...
well he said he might be visiting nxt yr which is SUPA GREAT!!
yea seriously looking forward to tat...
oh yea found a weird habit of mine...
i tend to b very quiet when talking face-to-face to ppl o.o
but on the computer i talk lik nobodies buisness...
lolz gotta get rid of that habit soon i hope...
ok....juz found a track frm myflashfetish with quite a number of christmas songs so i guess juz use them =]
will b deleting them somewhr aft new yr i guess
its closing on to 12 am on christmas soon so i guess i shall end this post soon
one last thing=]
im finally growing!!
lol its nt much but at least i AM growing =]
ok this should be all im gna say ..
oh yea 1 last thing....


nw whr's my present....

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
~ 6:28 PM ~
Nth much to blog bout today cuz whole day at home ==
woke up at bout 11 i think ..sis still asleep n both still nid go out today..lol

oh well sis wanted use com first so she used com till 11.30 i think
lol then i force her gimme back..

ok..then she went out... whole day use com lorrs.... play games n slacked..

sis wna use com at night so i blog nw lorrs...

oh yea forgot to add on yesterday...
my sis freaked out when she opened the drawer frm study rm cuz my wooden cobra waz in
there xD
is nt i put in de... serious... i didnt evn know it was there.. lol funny sia...

oh well dats end of post today... still nt yet do my last assigment (compo)
mayb do it tonight bahs.. afternoon whole day slacking x]

kays dats all for today... bye xD

i still think of you..i dont know why...

Monday, December 22, 2008
~ 10:10 PM ~
This is juz a update cuz i forgot to add in earlier in my previous post..
i wns thx aunty dolly (dad's colleague) for the present =]
thx loads... wonder if u ever c my blog but i guess i could juz say it out=]

~ 5:31 PM ~
early post today =]
well nth much today..practically outdoors the whole day
suppose to wake up at 6.45am but in the end i went back to sleep and woke up at 7.20am
lolz...left hse for co prac at 7.45 today whole day practice...
in the end halfway i left to go to dentist..lolz last minute appoinment cuz the metal thingy fell out
sianz la thought will b veri fast so skipped lunch tot aft dental then go grab some lunch...
in the end go there.. all i did waz wait...wait...wait...
finally my number came out..
i waz so happy i went in the nurse took me to another room and said.. "wait here" the doctor will come soon
so i waited... 10 mins...20 mins.. soon it was an hour.. still no sign == i started playing wib the machine
push any random button then " inspected " the room.. lol so aft long last dr elaine came in..
appears that the other patient tok longer than expected.. so start to stick it back lorrs..
halfway thru my dad called me...my phone started ringing..
disconnect it...
-20 seconds ltr-
he started calling me agn.. zz evn the doctor started lauging.. oh well luckily done le so went out lors

haiz finished le oready late le so in the end went for lunch lorrs...

suppose to go back for co if b4 4 pm but didnt think so late then it will end.. so in the end dad sent me home lorrs..

bought tom yam w noodles and ate it for lunch..
aft that went for haircut..go punggol plaza there.. kns la the barber cut for me.. went using the blade..the blade like nt sharp de he keep push push push...wth man... oh well at least that waz over..

now reach home le... front few teeth still cnt chew..dno y sia... oh well gib it a few days =]
c i so kind lolz

guess ltr for late dinner gna hab to eat maggi agn =.=
cnt eat what me dad gna cook today.. suay sia

oh well ltr juz add some chilli n pepper n curry to noodles =] hope will be nice x]

kays tats all lerx fer nw...


Sunday, December 21, 2008
~ 6:20 PM ~
today didnt do much... woke up at ermmm...i think 8am +...
went down to hlp my dad at shop.. lolz... wanted to hav cereal for breakfast but
apparently it " dissapeared ".. lolz so didnt eat lorrs..
went to shop hlp here hlp there... at 12 went to hab lunch wib dad..
saw mum n sis along the way...
had mitaimak i think dats how its spelled lol...
found out cn chew le =] but front 4 tooth up and down still cnt bite....
oh well... threw in the platter of chilli padi when me dad nt looking xD
only 1 word describe sia " SHIOK! "
lolz dad went to buy soya bean then we left go back car..
went to my dad centre to hlp in distribution of food.. took a little while cuz food didnt arrive in time...
so aft that went home slack lorrs...played with pet bird.. let it fly arnd in the rm=]
she waz so happy sia x]

well aft that started mapling at 3 pm.. lol nth to do...
that shuld b all for nw bahs.. oh yea...
still left 1 compo and 1 letetr writing... most likely gna do letter writing ltr at night bahs =]
dats all for today =]

im still thinking... waz it a wrong choice?

Saturday, December 20, 2008
~ 10:08 PM ~
Haizz.... finally reached home le =]
well woke up qutie late today..10~11 i think... lolz found i got a weird habit ever since i put braces o.o
now everytime i wake up, i will find myself underneath my bed sheet... lolz dunno y sia
anw this morning could hav slept till ltr but my dog found it amusing for me to be underneath the bed sheets so he woke me up by constantly pressing his nose against my body which is underneath the sheets... lol?

well woke up quite late so had bout 1/4 cup of tea.. haha drank half way no mood so put it aside..

then waz lunch time...my teeth dunno y still cnt chew so in the end had a bowl of plain porridge for lunch =.=

aft that went out with dad n mum go hlp at store but we had dinner b4 going instead of eating there..
again had porridge =.= wanted to look for some stall at tiong bahru selling noodle soup but apparently cnt find... u wont believe how pissed i waz aft eating my porridge and finally saw a store selling noodle soup =.=
well in the end my mm went to shop arnd for some clothes but none to ehr liking so we drove off lorrs...

lol went to me dad shop went there decided to do my chinese homework...
at first plan to do only 1 but int he end got spare time so do 2 lorrs =]
now left 1 compo + 1 letter writing to do =[

oh well ended kinda late... gtg stop nw sis bothering me =x
post tml agn bahs i guess

2 more homework to go=]

Friday, December 19, 2008
~ 9:08 PM ~
well..kinda late today for psoting and i dun hav much time cuz sis wna use com..
well woke up kinda late this mornng at about 9 am ~ 10 am
had almost a sleepless night cuz of my teeth but panadol did work for me =]
well could nt use com cuz this com my sis use whole day while labtop confiscated by dad =.=
oh well.. i hav 10 mins for this post so i beta make it snappy.
had maggi mee for lunch cutted up in itsy bitsy pieces cuz i cnt chew ==
everytym i chew there will be this freaking annoying pain...
well took a panadol cuz pain came at 2 pm+ agn
so i took a panadol and went to sleep...
that was the time when i wanted to do my chinese homework ==
in the end woke up oready bout 7 pm++
lol first time i took a 5 hr nap x]
oh well wanted to ask me maid cook maggi agn but my sis waz like " keep eat maggi mee dun care go eat what we eat today " zzzz
so i tried rice lorrs... i took a bowl full of soup then threw rice in there...
zzzz so bland la n so difficult to eat..
so i went to get some ground black pepper to put in..
wanted to put in chilli padi n stuff..but remembered that i hav eaten all of em....
stupid of me sia.. the phrase " always save for a rainy day " sure is true ==
oh well so i had soup + rice + pepper for dinner... zzzzzzzz
oh well the pain is coming back agn but i guess cn juz hold it in bahs..
finally sis allow me to use com to put this post =] but 10 mins allowed only =.=
currently watching " santa claus 2 " on channel 5 while doing my chinese hw =]
finally started on my chinese homework doing one fo the topic...
left 2 more pages for that=]
wna complete by today =]
oh well sis wna use com le so end here bahs...
btw my tounge hurts like hell cuz evn tough i know whenever i stick it into those metal wire it will hurt but i dunno y i still keep doing it... nw my tounge all got cut ehre and there ==
lolz oh well back to post tml i hope =]

why didnt u reply me at all? im still waiting...

Thursday, December 18, 2008
~ 3:43 PM ~
Ok... im back home now..
juz went to ndh to put on the braces lerhx..
zzz so uncomfortable...
summore buy those new type of brushes my dad waz like "WTH?!"
xD oh well its kind of fun to play wit the braces foundation the top of it..
only thing i s sometym the wire will stick out n poke the side of my cheek =.=
oh well.. all i cn say is that seriously uncomfortable to me...
to me.. its like something pulling the teeth with force..
the feeling sucks ppl... but oh well....
hope that i will get use to it soon =]

im still thinking of you ...

~ 8:43 AM ~

well..this are the 2 " knife " me dad bought for me..
gna ask for another for me nxt birthday x]

ok..lets see..
the three cups on the left are the so called "magic cups "
i still rememeber 1 of the trick the rest forgot liao xD
the 2 ermm..display boats were frm malaysia..i think
the middle drum given to me frm me sis when she went to sarawak..
the black thingy on the right is actually .. cn we say.. a miny telescope..xD
erm last item..hav a story bout it xD
the light thingy waz bought frm thailand.
still remember..when it went thru the checkpoint n went thru the scanning machine..
it wasnt turned off so it appeared to b shiny..
the custom officer saw it then asked my dad and me to stay at one point while he call some other people
lolz so freaking hilarious his face when he open that bag and took it out...
he started laughing and when all the other officers arnd him saw it all laughed too..
lol he gave us a warning " next time when u buy this, remember to turn it off! "

ok...lets continue..
the two key chain abit blurred... its actually two seperate couple key chain which sticks together if u put it close enuf.. and at the bottom of the box it states " I Love You " .. normally the boy side is given to the girl and girl side given to the boy..i think o_o
ok..the red bicycle and the guitar waz given frm chit Thx=]
erm..the little shin chan key chain waz frm my mom when i dunno she went whr cuz she knew i liked shin chan xD
and the last seal...i think o.o
if u cn c clearly ..the tag states "ocean park" got as a souvenier
sad the other souveniers which were .. candies all gone xD

the snake according to me previous post waz used to scare me sis last night xD refer to it if u havent read it =]
the scorpion keychain abit blurred but if im nt wrong thats the scorpions carcass = dead body in there..
the two little yellow thingy cnt remember get frm whr lolz o_o
the mouse n spider got frm seven eleven i think.. its those that when u throw it against a DRY surface..
it will stick onto it.. but apparently it doesnt works after the time i dunked it into water...lol

ok...some of my remote vehicles are..can we say missing..
quite a no. of them missing oready .. lolz
well the small little car in the capsule.. dno how old sia nvr use le...
the red car.. oso dno how long no use le..
the two smaller cars.. there waz a series but i sorta dno whr some of it went o.o
the grey one.. "supposedly" was able to do stunts... until i found out it doesnt works in water
and the helicopter.. require so many battery but steering nt gd... =_=
well thats the lot and according to this description.. u guys cn c how forgetful n how short my attention span is xD
well im MAYB gna get one of those petrol based remote controlled vehicles soon...
will talk bout it when i get it x]
ok... so i guess this ends this post...
will b leaving hse soon to NDH to do my braces lerhx..
gna put in the top row of teeth thingy n the wire?
yea... blog bout it ltr nw gna go get me breakfast x]
searching this stuff stopped me from doing me homework yesterday... so APPRECIATE it x]

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
~ 8:23 PM ~
juz putting a post bout something that juz happened
i waz starting me ch homework when
i sudddenly thought of ransacking my drawer
so as i ransacked it.. i found a old toy that i bought frm malaysia
its those rubber snakes that seriously look very realistic
asides from the fact that this snaked was bitten by me dog xD
so i waz thinking of throwing it on me sis labtop which she wz using..
well it kind of failed cuz when i threw it..
it landed upside down..
my sis reaction waz like.. ermm staring? at it
lik 10 seconds aft i thought it failed..
she suddenly screamed super loud xD
so hilarious sia...
i should try it again some time..
talk bout slow-reaction xD
tried on my second sis..
but i guess she oready knew cuz me sis screamed so freaking darn loud..
my second sis juz took up the snake ..
look at it..
then threw it to the ground=.=
complete fail..
good thing my dog wasnt there..
else he would hav grabbed it n started chewing on it .. lol
oh well that was fun xD
now im going back to c wat else i cn find xD
mayb i could find that beetle n cockroach n lizard n spider i used to buy xD
then try it on my sis tml.. ALL AT ONCE xD
guess she will faint... wakakaka her evil brother!
so this is a warning to all..
it sux to hav me as ur brother if u r scared of insects n reptiles xD

~ 3:28 PM ~
sianz.. juz came back frm badminton wit hui yuan..
lol finally something to talk bout..
well left hse bout 1.50pm
then met him bout 2pm i guess..
started normal game lorrs..
so boring..
wanted to ask some other ppl to join but found ot he didnt brought his hp
so in the end didnt call any1 else..
anw cuz sooooo BORING...xD
we went along to talk bout ppl in 6 joy lorrs bout how they changed x]
started wif register 1..
ended at 13 or 14 cuz in the end so bored that decided to stop lors
lol almost all the answers were " no change "
zzz ..
got thirsty so we walked to econ to get a drink...
so sick of all the can drink s juz randomly took 1
come to think of it..
tml gna do braces oready..
haizz dunno how it will turn out..
oh well guess that will b tomorrow's topic so i guess i will stop here
going back to watching shin chan n smosh vids x]

i wonder when will we ever meet again..

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
~ 5:47 PM ~
haizz..nth to do today
went back to maple o.o
btw sorry to those who chat to me on msn when i waz playing maple
seriously ps ar
sianz ka nth realli fun to do today
ended up playing maple and seeing shin chan episodes
mayb im gonna find another ponzi skin
but thats a maybe..
btw thx those who tagged =]
2 more days to doing my braces xD

missing you...

Monday, December 15, 2008
~ 11:47 AM ~
juz came back frm NDH...
short for national dental centre for those who dun know
today had my 4th tooth pulled out >.<
will go for another soon but they said 6 mths ltr ==
anw fo those who dno im gna go for braces..
this thursday..
today bsides some filling n the extraction..
wen to put some foundation for the braces..
bottom row of teeth..T_T
so uncomfortable sia..

but oh well i started so i guess hab to go on..
my dentist name if nt wrong is doctor .elaine o.o
she lik freaking nice la...
oh well..
is like so weird and uncomfortable..
my mouth nw feel weird..
guess this is normal for those who ever put braces bahs.
i think i got used to the injection part already O.O
as in the fear is still there * dun laugh *
but when they inject..
nt as pain as previously..
oh well.... k guess dats all for today
nw cnt eat anything xD

Sunday, December 14, 2008
~ 4:29 PM ~
Ok guys..changed my blogskin again according to your requests...
hope now its better yea? 3rd oready... plus the fact i juz started ...
well i had request for cute yet fit url..
well..ponzi kinda cute dun ya think so?
n the bottom following is black n white so i guess it should fit my url..
so now wat ya guys think?
comments in tag board pls =]
i will b adding a few more features if i can find k?
sorry if this added stuff might lag u ppl but yea...
btw i know picture formation abit weird..
but everytime i try to change it becomes worse -.-
so i guess juz leave that post alone k?
anw..visit n chat mre often=]

nth much today to talk bout...
only the fact that i slept later than 12 am last night n woke up at 6am today==
tired ka hlp my dad prepare stuff..
in the end in the car i fell asleep
oh well..
dat should b all..
hope dat u guys like this skin yea? =]

finally finished reading my chinese book=]

Saturday, December 13, 2008
~ 3:33 PM ~
... nth much to blog bout today...
boring weekend...
suppose to go out follow wit dad but in the end didnt wake up
so whole day at home lorrs
well..gna change blogskin if i find one bahs since it dun realli suit me url
i gna find soon
oh well..
dats it fer today i guess xD

- Update -
Just changed my blogskin need to edit quite a no. of stuff...
but well here it is =]
homework still not completed...

Friday, December 12, 2008
~ 11:20 PM ~
Well here i am with the pics..
sis finally decide to upload so practically copy n paste bahs =x
anw juz remembered my tyco shot during bowling.
remember left 1 pin standing n 1 mre fall at the side
machine didnt "clean" it up abit faulty lol
so i shot my bowling ball towards that one which fell
juz nice hit it that it flew to the other end and hit my remaining last pin XD
that earned me a strike x]
pro hor? jkjk
anw u ppl cn say i cheat but nt my prob wat...
is the machine spoil so will become lik that mahs..
oh well here are the pics :

Just a pic of bowling shoes worn
by me n sis x]

Pic of me n sis abit blurred but oh well

Score chart of 4th game double
strike by me xD

Nt related but juz wna post xD
Name jorel..i think
he's my erm cousin? son so what does
it make this little baby related to me?
Oh well isnt he cute? xD

Another pic of him sucking his thumb.
cute ehhs? envious ar?

Blurred shot of me bowling
-this waz a strike x]

Me posing x]
i know i look retarded dunnid say
me beta as a photographer xD
n i seriously need a hair cut o.o

~ 9:21 PM ~
Juz went for exam last thursday*i think*
Chinese orchestra exam..
dunno how well i play sia..
wish me luck ppl..
hope dun fail -.-

Stupid Homework BE GONE!!! If only that works...

~ 7:03 PM ~
Just came back from bowling with me 2 sis. x]
wanted to ask some other fiends go along too but they cnt make it.
in the end left me n 2 sis play only lorrs.
photos will be updated later bahs dad scolding me le X.X

at first wna play 2 games only...
in the end lenghten to 3 games.
end of 3 game game suddenly restarted itself -.-
lol btw juz wna tell u guys
at kovan there the super bowl their machine all falty sia.
our lane n others keep tio stuck then hav to keep calling ppl come to repair ==
so in the end play 4 rnds lors.
dno y sia ..
my first 3 rnd bowl de all super lousy all score below 100 *dont laugh* o.o
lol then i keep trying to beat my sis friend that was in the lane beside ours.
finally at 2nd game they left lor
so we continue alone.
at last at last rnd(4th) finally i got more then 100...
i think 112 i guess...thx to my last 2 strikes xD
total i guess got bout 5 strike n quite a number of spare
finally ending time i guess oready 5+ so return shoes lor
quite cheap the price
4 games 3 of us play bout $30 +
cheap compared to other bowling alleys that i went to bahs
aft that decided nt to leave first cuz sis tuition at 6 pm
so went to the arcade lorrs
zzzz..waste money on this quite retarded game.
in the end left arcade then sis went to heartland mall this fashion shop
zzzzz make me help her hold her stuff then go changing room
kns la they so long
in the end wait wait wait till sian LOL
got quite a few weird stares though..
cuz carrying my sis bag n keep waiting outside changing room area.
who knows ppl think im some perverted kid trying to look in = o =
in the end b4 going home n b4 me sis went off to tuition
went to buy some snacks at Old Chang Kee xD
zzz thought they pay for me in the end went buy le they ask me pay..
no choice that auntie oready looking at me..
so in the end oldest sis walk me n 2nd sis to mrt station lors
over there she went off to tuition then me n other sis took mrt home..
halfway this salvation army uncle asking for donation..
ask me so i search for some cash lorrs
he saw me searching then he looked to the other guy n sorta shouted " YAY!"
nobody donate to them i guess bahs
they looked so tired..
Overall today quite fun..i guess..
The only sad case is cuz those of me frenz i ask along all cnt come =.=
oh well... guess nxt tym bahs
btw most likely will post the pics ltr on tonight or tml or evn ltr bahs..

P.S thx those who tag
n for those i didnt link cn juz like leave a msg at me tagboard with ur links
thanks x]

ahhhhhh! chinese homework still not yet complete! CRAP!

~ 9:36 AM ~
First post of me new blog. x]
Just testing cuz blog still under renovation.

Btw wna thx anna and my sis for hlping out in making this blog.
I know the wallpaper sucks but bear with it guys till i find a new one.
Anyway wna thank u all for viewing my blog and remember to tag before u leave!
Well guess this is the end of first post.
Gtg edit the blog again and will b back later do post bout today's
bowling outing with me 2 sis =]
Cya till nxt time xD

Brought from me to you x]

♫ Music To Me ♫

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

All About Me

a boy who lived his life in singapore, follows the colour blue...he moved from edgefield pri.sch to victoria school where he will spend 4 years of his life...entered a cca by the name of VSCO whr he stays... a animal fanatic who goes by a nicky 'NoEd' and is officially -PRICELESS-



adopt your own virtual pet!

School website



Evan (Cous)
Sis ♥+

VS1G Friends

Nicholas Tag
En Quan


Wee Bian

6Joy Friends

Ee tien
Ching Ping
Hua Yang
Hui Min


Restricted Zone
Enter At Risk
Lum Fan Club
English Assignment'09
Blog Shop
Another Quiz!
CO centre
How much are you worth?

December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009


purpleandblue2 @ blogskins.com
ladyvictoire-brushes @ deviantart.com