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Saturday, January 31, 2009
~ 6:05 PM ~
sheesh it sure has been quite an unlucky day for me today...
started of with being late for co practice...
after that when i went for lunch, the food tasted weird..
then i missed the bus and had to wait so long for the nxt to come to bring me to my tuition
then the bus was so freaking slow.
and if forgot to take back my book from my co senior.
then iw as late for my tuition class..
if rogot to put my phone on silent and it suddenly rang during class..
so freaking embarrasing la.
then aft that i took teh bus home
on the way sis call me to go bck to my dad's shop, as we wna go for ice cream
so it runed back.
then i called my dad instead of mum so i missed the ice cream altogether at swensen
plus iw asted an hour sitting there doing nth while my sis n mom having ice cream at swensen.
so i went home.
on the way palying psp i sorta lost my way...
went the wrong direction =.=
then i missed the train home
on the train bck this little boy keep pushing me to one corner bcuz he wna see my game
and he keep taling to me plus his breath stinks
then he push me onto the glass window.
and his sister jumped on the seat and look at my psp too
and he keep on pushing till i nudge him away.
and his mother saw that n gave me a frown...
then i missed the lrt back home...
when went bck on the way to my hse, this little boy was kicking sand all voer and it flew into my eye.
then i missed the lift up.
when i finally went into the lift and enter my hse, going to bathe the lights suddenly spoil
and then i found out my phone no battery..
sheesh... and she wun reply me at all
zzz.... sianz i hope this string of bad luck will end...

Friday, January 30, 2009
~ 7:47 PM ~
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... got my new phone today=]
sianz juz found out its OLD type... but its nice in my opinion that is,
if im nt wrong its the Lg KF750. it looks nice to me so who cares=]
frm some black label secret series thingy... ahh who cares as long cn use ok liao
anw... went to swensen aft colllecting the phone..
so darn sensitive..
had the ice cream thingy.. die la stomach feels weird aft eating eat..
most prob cuz i skipped lunch and for recess i had this really weird tasting food.
lool... went to russell's hse tday btw for math project..
first time we got dwn to buisness..
haiz those that happened aft that which is bout aft 5 is at the top..
today dun wna write alot, juz summarise EVERYTHING
anw... the photos i nxt tym then upload... too lazy to do nw.
and another good news, MY ENG BLOG ASSIGNMENT IS OVER!!!!!!! =] weeeeeeeeeee
ok dats all bye.

Thursday, January 29, 2009
~ 8:28 PM ~
today went co whole co room so empty sia.
still say muz reach at 1.35...
2pm oso hav nt start.
anw nxt week(7 feb) will b having performance at geylang
haiz... sian la agn hav to miss tuition
tuition tchr sure kill me le la...
anw went home , first thing i found out, bus so little ppl.
kind of weird since normally 5~7 the bus packed like siao.
today both bus i take all empty
swt sia, finally cn hav a bus seat to myself...

most prob gna go get new phone tml..
haiz hopefully...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
~ 7:49 PM ~
wishing my mum a happy birthday, which is today
went to whitesands to eat to celebrate.
didnt make any early bookings so went to lerkThai to eat.
food nt bad.. tom yma nice.
anw got a extra holies(today) so dunnid go sch..
whole day at home sia...
only at night then go out.
anw aft that went to popular to go buy the book thingy and correction tape refil
aft that went to B2 go see hp
LG KF 750 caught my eye sia.
looks nice hopefully cn get it =]
anw aft that went to tht pet shop.
nidda buy skin spray for him, lately he keep scratching and stuff..
its nt lice so anw they told my dad to buy some spray thingy.
hopefully he(my dog) will be ok..
anw dad lost last night.. haiz oh well..
too alzy to do english blog... gna find soemthing else to do xp
anw updated 2 new songs, Love story and Check yes Juliet.
quite nice though nic says love story sux xP

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
~ 9:58 PM ~
news info
this is to wish my dad gd luck since i believe their mahjong bet for tonight will be super high
reason? two of the mahjong player (dad's fren) just struck lottery =.=
1 5k(bout there) another 50k..
gd luck man...

~ 9:07 PM ~
weeets juz reached home
official second day for lunar new year
woke up EXTRA early today, went to temple to go pray.
haha the old aunty still there.
my dad knew her since he waz 20 yrs old.
cn u imagine how long she's been there?!!
she's a temple helper btw. there EVERYDAY.
anw aft that went to my grand-aunt's hse.
had fun? there
woots their arowana(?) grew even bigger this yr.
anw aft that went to sentosa for their flower event thingy
every yr its the same stuff only they amend abit but i do not know y, we stil go there every yr
anw took the same photos.
well i waz right...they juz changed the ornaments.
anw took some photos of flowers for my english blog thingy.
cnt upload nw yet since camera with sis..
oh well, tml hav 1 whole day alone to do it( mr low gave us holies)
anw before going back, bought a few of the photoes tht the crew there took for us.
then bought ice-cream=]
1 for $2, epensive anot? i do nt know lool
anw had the mily tea flavour, in another words, milk + tea
anw left there went to dad's shop ==
ehhs....wait i forgot some thing.
lool aft temple went to my aunt's hse.
had steamboat.
well main attration is the poodle there lahhs
so cute sia >< it had the bear cut, 5 mths old only!
well, played with HER xP so fun.
well, i cnt say i dun like my dog, he did something GREAT last week!
i didnt know bout it until today sia..
lool, well the thing is
a young guy tried to trick my grandma into opening the hs door.
my grannie dun rlly think much bout this type of stuff so she went to open lorrs.
i wasnt at home all this were said by my maid to my parents.
LUCKILY, my grandma walks slowly.
so my dog, as usual, dashed all the way to bark at the person.
he bark at whoever he dunno lool
anw that guy apparently went away
ps. my dog wun bark only if he knows you or if u play with him for a little while.
anw bck to the point, had steamboat and barbecue there.
then played with the 5 mth old poodle..agn =]
anw had to leave somehow which is when we went to the nxt place.
ok i oready covered that so nxt point
wen to my dad's shop.
lucky the hlper havnt went home, he wa waiting for my dad so my dad cn enter the car park.
nice of him right?
gave him oranges ad a red packet juz to thx him
lool my dad told me he gave him a box of oranges a few days ago.. they are quite good frens(?)
anw went there to catch one of the variety show
woa didnt know it was so gd.
a ticket cost $48 sia...
dad got lik 20 tickets distribute to ppl since only 5 in my family.
anw show waz gd sia..first time for me sia..i think.
anw basically singers frm all time, actor and others.
woohoo they sang well sia, and crack quite gd jokes =]
certain actors got their own new albums, woa they sell giv discount sia
$25 to $10 they sell..all nt yet released to public yet.
so many ppl buy.
plus alot ppl give them red packets sia and flowers.. so gd to be actors....
woa and each actor their fist songs will be accompanied with 4 dancers.
woa...nt to say im perverted! but 1 of them pretty sia.
im juz saying that she is pretty
russell note this, if u say im sick to say that u r DEAD when i meet u in sch
well, they changed costumes for every single performance.
seriously she waz pwetty O.O
anw, aft that went ot hlp dad agn lors.
haiz bought dinner then went home le lorrs.
today's ang bao collection lesser than yesterday..haiz..
\oh well, anw nw dad and his frenz having mahjong marathon, ok nt realy marathon...
they are going to play til estimate 4am sia... in my hse ==
suay for my sis who nid to go sch tml, lucky me no nid go sch.
anw my dad is nt a gambler, CNY then he will lay.
oh well thats all, dun feel like doing my eng blog hw le.. upload photos tml bahs.

Monday, January 26, 2009
~ 3:45 PM ~
It’s officially the first day of Chinese new year.
Well, my family started off with going to the temple.
It sure was smoky there and I nearly got burned, again.
Well, after that, we went off to my uncle’s house, located at serangoon.
Went there for a steamboat lunch after which we sat down to have a chat.
We left shortly after, and went to my…grand aunt’s house?
Well, I’m not really sure how we are related, but we are related and that covers it.
Played with the dog, Wendy.
She was the first dog I ever touched, as in the first time I touched a dog, it was the time when I touched her several years ago.
There were quite a large number of people there, a total of three generations.
Pretty amazing to me.

Had a chat with them well not exactly since I was playing with the dog.
Anyway, went off, this time back to my own house, So as to get ready for my relatives who are coming to my house today.
Wow, its now that I realize that there are four generations in my house.
That is, if it includes my relatives
Anyway, I’m typing this post in the middle of the time when they are here.
I do not know why, but I don’t seem to enjoy it at all, unlike both my sisters.
I just can’t feel any mood at all.
Well, I guess I should just go and play a game of cards or play my games in my PSP till I got the mood.
Bye until next time, and a Happy Chinese New Year to all!

~ 12:00 AM ~
woohoo official lunar new year!

Sunday, January 25, 2009
~ 8:21 PM ~
It is the official Lunar New Year Eve today.
It sure is the start of a celebration for those who celebrate Chinese New Year.
Well, nothing much today, asides from some last minute clearing up.
As it approaches 5pm, my family got ready as we were leaving for a seafood restaurant for a reunion dinner.
I’m not very sure it’s this day which people celebrate their reunion diner but oh well.
Anyway, made our way down to the Punggol seafood restaurant located at Punggol Jetty.
Yatches can be seen parked there, some old some new.
Well, went to pick up my uncle at the MRT before that and we took some photos for my grandma.
Soon, the restaurant was ready so we went in and sat down.
Well, it isn’t really more of a restaurant since we were sitting at the outside area instead but I guess no one really cares.
Anyway, had dishes such as pepper crab, steamed sea bass, boiled prawn, chicken etc.
Oh and the traditional ‘Lohei’ which is actually a mixture of different stuff such as crackers, salmon, plum sauce etc.
Well, it was quite weird that they were rushing all the dishes out at once though we were allocated a 2hr and a half slot.
We soon found out as more and more people started piling up.
Good thing we had a reservation, but I think only people with reservation are allowed in since the place is jammed packed.
Their Mee Goreng, fried noodles used to taste great with that spicy taste, but today’s Mee Goreng quality seriously dropped.
Oh well, it was quite tasty.
Well, with their typical rushing at us we decided to leave earlier instead.
Before desert was served, my sister and me took off, as they wanted to take some pictures too.
Anyway, took some but on the way back, we saw this arcade.
Well, it isn’t much of a arcade, since there were only a few machines available.
Saw a staircase so we went up.
Quite a interesting little room, so took some photos for my sisters.
Went off shortly since my dad was calling us back.
Finished the desert and went back to the car, driving home after sending my uncle back to a bus stop.I’m sure going to gain weight after this, but oh well, a reunion dinner comes only once a year, so what’s the big deal?

PS. i found my psp! =]

Saturday, January 24, 2009
~ 9:44 PM ~
lool...i could ahve saved this for tml but im scared i will forget x]

went dwn to go take stuff fr dad frm his car..sis wanted bring dog dwn..
anw at the dustbin there waz a dog statue..
lool my dog went there immediately and started smelling dat dog all over as if it was real xp
lool some ppl came by n saw n waz laughing lool

aft anything else happen my sis dragged the dog away...
ok the end

~ 6:19 PM ~
holy crap...
i MUST be seeing things this time man...
went to ch tuition today, kind of boring since want us to present n stuff
oh well went to macdonald's with sis since mom wna go shop awhile
bought mcSpicy(my fav.) cuz its spicy == duhh...
anyway kept buying extra stuff like fries then coke then fries
so that wun seem that we r taking up a space...
i dun mind buying more since its my sis paying=]

anw i know its unhealthy but i dun always eat it so yea..
anyway back to the point
went to little india to take train bck
went to toilet .. sicne sis also wanted to go
here's the fricking part
first thing i saw, old uncles using the toi let n standing arnd.
second, a girl standing at the sink washing her hands and juz looking arnd
i repeat a GIRL..
i tot i waz seeing things since everybody arnd her didnt seem to notice her..
i was juz standing at the doorway looking at her...
then she saw me she turned arnd, smile at me n walked right past me...
holy crap was i seeing things?
anw came frm the toilet she was nowhere to be seen
as in..how the hell did she dissapeared so quickly...

sis came out so i was telling her wat i saw when we turn a corner and there she was again!
i quickly change topic then after going through the barrier thingy
i told my sis" there she is! u saw here right!"
my sis was like"noo.."
so i describe to her how she look like, bout 13 yrs old in blue shirt n thingy
she was right nxt to my sis when i changed the topic...
shye was ooking at the board..
oh crapp...my sis still say she didnt see her...
gosh...oh well...gotta go get dinenr nw
its roasted duck today=]

Friday, January 23, 2009
~ 8:43 PM ~
Happy Chinese New Year!
Its New Year again and I would like to wish everyone reading this post a very Happy Lunar New Year!
It was quite saddening when we found out that we did not win the Chinese New Year decor competition, but at least we tried our best. As what most people would say, “Failure is a step closer to success”
It sure was fun decorating the class though.
Anyway, we had the CNY concert today.
Since I am in Chinese Orchestra, I had to perform for the school along with the others.
Jeremy, Russell, Jonah and Justin were also involved.
We got a special privilege to go for recess at 9 since we had to practice.
We “coincidentally” saw some of our seniors and went over for some casual chatting.
Before leaving for the CO room, we went around spreading new ear greetings to anyone we can see.
The looks on most of their face were somewhat shocked so we stopped.
Went down to the hall to get ready.
Finally, another time when the air condition is turned on.
That is because we had some special folks coming over, though i do not know who.
Anyway played both songs without making much o a mistake.
After which, we all had to leave our instruments at the Chinese Orchestra room and return back down to sing(?)
The singing part of the concert did not go well at all.
Since most of us did not know how to sing, practically everyone started speaking gibberish.
Everyone on stage was laughing but i bet the students below the stage could not understand what the joke is about, tipped from their queer faces when they saw all of us laughing like madmen
Overall, it sure is one of the most fun Chinese New Year celebration i ever went through.
Rushed to put on our class tees and take a photo at the school pond.
After that, everyone was dismissed and everyone scattered at a blink of an eye.
Not for me and a few others since we were still playing with the instruments.
Anyway, went back to my primary school to hopefully, find our teachers.
Sadly, we could not find much but we only found a handful of them, which were all preparing to leave.
Left the school and went to my friend’s house since he wanted me to teach him how to play a instrument as he was going to change his CCA from band to Chinese orchestra.
Reached home at about 6 + and here i am blogging.
Anyway, got to stop now for dinner.
So that would be all for now, and at this high note, i would like to wish everybody a

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
~ 7:10 PM ~
today's cny decor ended later than usual..
anw put up most of the stuff we could find.

made some "lanterns" and some other stuff...
attached those to the fan lool
when the fan's nt moving, its retarded, but when it moves...

anw didnt present fr chem today...lool ms beoy give us chance sia..
oh well gotta edit some stuff..
anw today sian la, i rammed my finger against the nail thingy...
my thmb to be specific..
zzzz keep bleeding from the nail itself..or underneath the nail
zz cn see like blood clot lool
went to wash it under cold water but still bleeding so dun care lorrs
haha xp

anw...decor ended pretty late bout 6?
well didnt do much stuff to b true but i guess we tried our best
lool 2Itheir class is totally flushed red..
comments frm jonathan "its like a nuptial chamber"
xD seriously red lorrs haha

haizz...tml co prac for CNY
die liao la... anw CNY prac=No practical=no mr seetoh=no juniors.
oh well...i waz looking forward to the last one

gtg for dinner lerhx cya

oh ya eq sprained his middle finger

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
~ 9:34 PM ~
anw this post will remind me if i forget wat it is again...

password question: something that a certain someone always says it is certainly cute-

~ 9:21 PM ~
haizz....gd thing today co didnt drag that long sia
btw im fed up with the hw blog lerhx so leave it dead with only 7 post
anw only nid 5 post so nt that bad
anw today had to stay bck for CNY prep.
wth? nth much only prep-ed once
lool then end at 5+
haha we were taking each other down.
justin's new way of flicking his finger hurts like crazy sia..
anw much happened today...take-downs, arm wrestling, name calling, making fun of each other.
sheesh today's co prac was fun=]

anw dad came to pick me up
went to the free clinic.
its nt a FREE clinic, its a place where people can see a doctor AND get mdicine for free.
my dad was there as volunteer for 31 years so thats a pretty long.
plus he dun get paid but its juz once a wee so t that bad
chey no wonder he know all the medicines and their uses la.ok almost all

anw when there do hw.
lool of cuz got hlp oso la, do the distributio of medicine sorting out n desk person..
sheesh at least completed most of my hw
wa piang sia my chinese dun understand some sia..
so frustrated then got this india girl i think bout 3 .
ya she's 3 yrs old..heehee i know cuz give her parents the medicine went to see the particulars thingy
anw first she grabbed my E-dictionary from my hand
then she took my root beer and attempt to un away with i
then she jump on the sofa i was sitting on.
and all her mother did was look at her.

anw finished all le then went home lorrs..
the end nw gotta go edit my science presentation le


Saturday, January 17, 2009
~ 8:07 PM ~
Wow i spent so long on teh answers pst at the bottom of this post
so u guys wun "accidently" see the answers.
anw here are the questions =]
pls dun cheat reply in my tag board that is if u nvr done this quiz b4
if its so low tat u r embarrased u cn juz tell me=]
u cn cheat if u wn actually since u cnt decieve urself =)

anw here are the questions, remember ur answers then scroll down to check on the previous post=] its only 5 so dun argue

1. What do you put in a toaster?

2.Say 'silk' five times. Now spell 'silk'. What do cows drink?

3. If a red house is made from red bricks, a blue house from blue bricks,
a pink house from pink bricks , a black house from black bricks,
whats a green house made from?

4.It's twenty years ago. A plane is flying at 20,000 feet over Germany
(at that time, Germany was politically divided into east and west Germany)
Anyway, during the flight, two engines failed.
The pilot, realising that the last engine was failing, decided on a crash landing procedure.
Unfortunately, the last engine failed before he could do so and the plane fatally smacks
into the middle of no man's land, in between West and East Germany.
Where would you bury the survivors?
West Germany, East Germany or no man's land?

5.Without using a calculator-
You are driving a bus from London to Milfred Haven in Wales.
In London, seventeen people got on the bus ;
In Readings, six got off and nine got on.
In Swindon, two got off and four got on;
In Cardiif, eleven people got off and sisteen got on.
In Swansea, three got off and five people got on.
In Carmat Hen, six people got off and three got on.
The bus then arrived at Milford Havens
What was the name of the bus driver?


those were the questions...
i hope you had fun =]

~ 7:57 PM ~
These are the answers to the quiz above.
for goodness sake, please dont cheat
if you have not attempted the quiz, pls,
go back up and do it before coming bck down for the answers
or, you could just continue reading this post without attempting the quiz and become a cheater=]

To See The Answers, Highlight The Portion Below This Line


4.You don't bury survivors!
5. Its your own freaking NAME


End of answers,
please dont be too sad if you got any answers wrong
according tot eh email i recieved, 95% of the people that did this test
so do not worry =]

~ 4:57 PM ~
Chinese orchestra practice ended late today.
Well, it didn’t really end late; it’s just that my section had to stay back for more practice.
Its not that we don’t play well enough, okay maybe that’s partly the reason but their main reason was to teach us “tai feng”, in English, just moving with the music while we play.

Combined practice ended at 12 pm, all the other members went home except for some.
My section had to stay back as mentioned earlier.
We were finally released at 3 pm.
That would be six hours straight of practice.
Take that those who say we Chinese orchestra members are slackers.

Anyway, had quite a number of tasks to complete so I decided to go home instead.
Actually, my mother wanted to bring me out to buy some pants for me.
But as I said, time constraint so I decided not to go.

Today’s bus came fairly quickly, but the driver; gosh I do not know what to say about him.
Can I describe him as reckless?
He swerves and brakes without warning, travel at speeds he should not be traveling at and he sure has a way of braking when everyone is unprepared.
Well, finally got off at little India station as usual.
Took the train back to Punggol.

Reached the lrt in time and took it back.
On the route, I saw this approximately 9-year-old Dutch girl in the lrt.
Wow, her hair sure was long, it was up to her waist.
In contrast, her dad was bald.

Anyway, I believe I should stop here now, counting the fact that there are still projects to be done.

haha im getting lazy lerhx, to type 2 seperate post for my blog, so i guess jsut copy lahs.
make do with it it wont be long, plus it helps my english =]

Thursday, January 15, 2009
~ 10:38 PM ~
It is about 10 pm now and I should have been sleeping already.
Its counted kind of early but well I got to wake up at 5 AM + so it isn’t that early,
Since I’m the type of people that needs a lot of sleep.
So I believe I should try to make this snappy and get it done over with.
I started the day with math.
Appears that we do not have any test today after all.
Well I guess I must have heard wrongly.
Then it was geography.
Nothing much in that lesson, although I do admit that I feel very bored in that class.
And to think that I actually used to love geography.
After that was recess.
Had to bring the forms to Mrs. Lim but could not find her anywhere.
So decided to go for recess then.
Returned from recess.
It was time for English lesson.
Mr Maran didn’t come for class.
At first everyone was “quietly” waiting.
Then hell broke loose.
Well, at least I managed to complete reading the whole book of Macbeth during the spare time since there was no English lesson after all.
Though I started on chemistry but it was too late, so I only managed to do half a page.
The last lesson of the day, literature.
We had a test on that today.
Good thing I remembered to do some research on the topic.
Well, the word limit was 200, I hate word limits, and somehow, I managed to hit 00 on the dot.

Had to go for Chinese orchestra practice today
Practiced a few songs, after which the instructors came done.
Practiced on our own since the instructor was teaching another instrument.
First three secondary ones to join CO even though the orientation have not started yet.

My father scolded me since I was late.
Appears he was in a bad mood that day.
Had some arguments with some shop person.
Oh well he won I guess, so they are now discussing some other stuff.
Its hard for me to explain the conversation in a few sentences.

Reached home at about 9 plus, leaving me so little time to my homework.
Luckily there was only Chinese homework due tomorrow.
I guess the rest have got to wait.
Anyway, the next few days shall be pretty hectic, as CNY is coming around the corner.
Shall be staying back much longer and more days since we have so little time left to SYF and we still have to prepare the songs to be played on CNY.Its getting later by the minute now so I believe I shall stop here.

haha btw guys, this post i copy frm my homework blog.
so it looks pretty formal, since nt allowed to sue smiley,lol, singlish n stuff.
yea so thats pretty much wat happened today=]

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
~ 6:18 PM ~
woots juz returned home...
had to stay bck cuz nidda put up CNY decor =.=
oh gawd man.. scare me sia i tot today last day to put up all
shyt sia then so anxious for nth cuz is nxt wed then is dead line =.=
oh well, anw this friday will hav that interview thingy...haiz sianz la, will miss mr maran's lesson
oh well lool anw got a compo to re write n to research to do so i guess juz put up the pics of today's work
ppl that stay back quite alot: me, justin, jonathan hoong, siddarth, jeremy, ren da, jonah, russell, joel , elliot,hadi,and mikail..psps if forgot any...me short term memory sia psps juz leave a tag tell me who u r then i will edit to add=]
anw today took BMI(body mass index)..phew lucky fall under healthy range=] in the middle

lool psps i cnt really upload the image yea..
so this is the link :

haha psps make do wif it... gotta go do hw lerhx bye

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
~ 3:29 PM ~
LOOL today was a GREAT day
started off at assembly..
SWEET so funny sia...
since yesterday was the day the SEC 4 got their result, ever1 was super enthu today.
when mr low stepped on the platform everyone clap like crazy. xD

his answer when we clapped so loudly and greeted with so much enthusiasm was
"wow...i wished i had a reception this good everyday"
xD every1 laughed sia..
nicholas rye went up make announcement today..
lol nt many ppl cared cuz waiting for mr low's answer
lol woohoo when he asked wat we wn since sec 4 '08 did well, lol every1 shout " HALF DAY!"
weeeee its beta then that, he gave us a full day off =]
day aft CNY so that means 1 mre day of celebration=]

anw then went ch class
lol today was acting out the play thingy..
lol missed the front part since had to went to talk to mr maran for the interview thingy, lol
well no acting today juz lines...oh well...
aft that math lesson, had math test today.
quite ok only that i made a careless mistake ><
oh well aft that recess
lol had macoroni since today fried food day/special food day
haha .. anw had a wrong choice bout the fish filet...
no offense but it sucked ><


anw aft that ermms... science
shyt la.... i studied for the wrong thing...
oh well..wats done is done....
too bad lorrs.. summore thats 1/5 of my CA1 grades sia!!
oh well tfu must do gd gd lorrs

aft that end le had lit
peice togeteher story of macbeth n research on shakespeares..
sianzz...oh well gotta go research it lerrs..
anw today no OPW since mr low let us finish sch at 1.05 today=] instead of 2.15 tat is
oh well gotta go post for my homework post le..

tml gotta stay back for deco...1 day..oh crap ><

Monday, January 12, 2009
~ 8:40 PM ~
lol i was just looking at all teh previous web sites where my sis had been to and found this
kinda nice so read on=]

Message: Peter and Tina are sitting in the park doing nothing, but just gazing into the sky, while all their friends are having fun with their beloved half.
Tina: I'm so bored. Just wish I have a boyfriend now to spend time with.
Peter: I guess we're the only leftovers. We're the only person who isn't with a date now.
(both sigh n silence for a while)
Tina: I think I have a good idea. Lets play a game
Peter: Eh? What game?
Tina: Erm..It's quite simple. You be my boyfriend for 100 days and I'll be your girlfriend for 100 days. what do you think?
Peter: Oookay..Anyway I don't have any plan for the next few months.
Tina: You sound like you aren't looking forward to it at all. Cheer up. Today will be our first day and our first date. Where should we go?
Peter: What about a movie? I heard that there is a really great movie in theater now.
Tina: Seems like I don't have any better idea than this. Lets move. (went to watch their movies and sent each other home)

Day 2:Peter and Tina went to a concert together, and Peter bought Tina a keychain with a star.

Day 3:They went shopping together for a friend's birthday present. Share an ice-cream together and hugged each other for the first time.

Day 7:
Peter drove Tina up onto a mountain and they watch the sunset together. When the night came and the moon glowed, they said sat on the grass gazing at the stars together. A meteor passed by. Tina mumbled something.

Day 25:Spend time at a themepark and got onto rollercoasters, and ate hotdogs and cotton candy. Peter and Tina got in the haunted house and Tina grabbed someone's hand instead of Peter's hand by accident. They laughed togetherfor a while.

Day 67:They drove pass a circus and decided to get in to watch the show. The midget asked Tina to play a part as his assistant in the magic show. Went around to see other entertainments around after the show. Came to a fortune teller and she just said "Treasure every moment from now on" and a tear rolled down the fortune teller's cheek.

Day 84:Tina suggested that they go to the beach. The beach wasn't so crowded that day. They have their first kiss with each other just as the sun is setting.

Day 99:They decided to have a simple day and is deciding to have a walk around the city. They sits down onto a bench.

1:23 pm

Tina: I'm thirsty. Lets rest for a while first.
Peter: Wait here while I go buy some drinks. What would you like?
Tina: Erm...Apple juice will be just fine.

1:43 pm

Tina waiting for about 20 minutes and Peter havent return.
Then someone walked up to her.
Stranger: Is your name Tina?
Tina: Yes, and may I help you?
Stranger: Just now down there on the street a drunk driver has crashed into a guy. I think its your friend.

Tina ran over to the spot with the stranger and sees Peter lying on the floor with blood over his face and her apple juice still in his hands. The ambulance came and she went to the hospital with Peter. Tina sat outside the emergency room for five and a half hours. The doctor came out, and he sigh.

11:51 pm

Doctor: I'm sorry, but we did the best we could. He is still breathing now but God would take him away from us very soon. We found this letter inside his pocket.

The doctor hands over the letter to Tina and she goes into the room to see Peter.
He look weak but peaceful.
Tina read the letter and then she burst into tears.

Here is what the letter said.

Tina,Our 100 days is almost over. I had fun with you during all these days. Although you may be greedy sometimes and less thoughtful, but these all brought happiness into my life. I have realize that you are a really cute girl and blamed myself for never taken the time to knowing that. I have nothing much to ask for, but I just wish that we can extend the day. I want to be your boyfriend forever and wish that you can be beside me all the time. Tina, I love you.


Tina: (sobbing) Peter. Did you know what was the wish I made on the night there was a meteor. I asked God to let us last forever. We were suppose to last 100 days so Peter! You can't leave me! I LOVE YOU, but can you come back tome now? I love you Peter. I LOVE YOU.

As the clock struck twelve, Peter's heart stopped beating. It was 100 days.

NOTE*Tell the guy or girl that you love them before its too late.
You never know whats going to happen tomorrow.
You never know who will be leaving you and never return

nice story ehhs? juz wna say..the values its trying to teach u is absolutely true...wat more can i say...u nvr noe the nxt day...

~ 7:35 PM ~
haizz.... today is the day whr all the 2008 sec four get their O lvl result
hope they get gd results=]
cuz if they do, nt only they get to b happy, we get a half-day =D

anw when for CO prac today...
vincent came bck=] wow he pro sia he got 7 for his O lvl result O.O
n hav nt minus leadership points n stuff
pro right?

anw heard that for SYF 2 members frm liu qin, pipa and zhong ruan will b kicked out...
cuz too many ppl... sian la i got a feling IM the one thats gna b kicked out
song of cicada i cn play lerhx nw is jiu ge
jiu ge i juz gotta remmeber a few more notes n stuff..
oh well....
anw took LQ home to prac...until found out took russell's LQ by accident
wth... and the thing is his second string is BUSTED
shyt right?...

oh well i guess use his to prac bahs...
anw gtg lerhx...tml hav 2 test gotta go study a little=]
btw sis juz went off for OBS today n on sunday(yesterday)
i watched finished the 100 episodes of Red VS Blue =]
pro ehhs?

to me...speaking to you is like speaking to a rock, i never get any realistic answers...

Saturday, January 10, 2009
~ 4:40 PM ~
i dun get the FREAKING logic
wats the freaking use of buying me a pants that i DONT like and i will NEVER wear?
i dun care how much the freaking thing COST, i will NEVER wear something that i dont like
so WHATS the FREAKING use of buying me something i DONT like and will NEVER wear??!!
let the damn thing stay in my cuboard till one day it gets too small for me then throw it away??!!
every1 has their own likes and dislikes
so wat if u think its nice??!!!
i emphasise that point
so there is NO need to buy IT!!

argh damn dat felt good

Wednesday, January 7, 2009
~ 8:31 PM ~
oh yea!
forgot to add n..
my love bird population plus one again =]
yep they got another baby =]
i noe mr maran say let birds fly n stuff..
but the ones with the babies got a extra large cage + their babies gets individual cages=]
so they still can fly alot=]


~ 7:05 PM ~
lol btw guys..
juz wna post this so wun forget
as said by mr maran today... a half of our presidents frm singapore are from victoria o.o
cool or what? xD
if im nt wrong they are:

Mr S.R Nathan
Yusof Bin Ishak
ermm.. i cnt remember the third one lol
any1 noe tell me in tagboard so i cn change haha

anw Victoria School gna celebrate 133th Annivesary this year!
Cool or what?

~ 4:11 PM ~
guys wun b posting here for bout.. 5 days?
anw cuz gotta do some impt hw lol probably take out my tym
lol anw saw this cute little boy at in the mrt..
lol? so mischievous sia..
first he started kicking the ppkl arnd him (me)
and some others..
lol his granny was like keep asking him t call me kor kor
lol he did la but keep repeating =.=
wat could i do? all i did was smile lorrs..
lol first time cn natural smile... i think haha
anw gna go do tat hw le
P.S. my english tchr is mr maran o.o he's HILARIOUS

it was all a mistake...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
~ 6:58 PM ~
lol today meeting for class commitee
haha anw completed first n second front board lerhx
today actually wanted to do back board too but last minute nikhil wanted to spray paint
wat to do so told all the welfare comittee go home lorrs
so sorry hor guys

anw thanks to aravind iskandar n elliot fer helping to pin up during recess
well during meeting..
somehow we were talking bout class outing discussing with mrs lim since nikhil left
and some others
then dunno how talk talk talk become change topic to talk bout mrs lim's hse problem
lol talked bout the toad problem she waz facing o.o
anyway citrus spray and stuff will work to either scare them away or wipe them out
lol tht would b the last resort i believe cuz i doubt anybody will wna kill any animal on purpose
plus toads may do more good than harm

anw somehow couldnt decide whether they wna spray paint anot...
oh well.. mrs lim said tml if no decision means me n jon juz continue wit our plan lorrs
anw dno how lorrs..
haiz dats all for today=]
anw thought bout this sorta song during sch today
xD hope jonah wun mind anw he laughed too xp
here goes..
its the rythm to FUN frm spongebob...
lol found it on youtube

J is for Jonah, who is so koreanish
A is for A-FROOOOOO~
K is for KIMCHI.. which Jonah LOVES!
right here in the deep blue sea~

heex swt ehhs? play the youtube vid so u will noe how it sounds like

damn so dats how u want to play it huh? fine!

Monday, January 5, 2009
~ 7:34 PM ~
xD here i am agn lolz
wun b that free lerhx nxt tym
shiok la today no sec 1 the bus oso super little ppl
btw fr those that dunno they went for sec 1 orientation camp...
dno which camp site this yr shuld b same bahs
anw today early recess lorrs for every monday we only class bahs i think for recess
sian la still nt yet put deco up yet..
keep nid go bookshop to buy extra stuff i the end up dow up down oready time up lerhx
we only pasted one mahjong paper up
sianz la... nvm lorrs tml then do lorrss....

anw aft that D & T lesson..lolz
gna make some movable thingy...forgot the name liaoz
anw group members bsides me are jonathan hoong, russell, jeremy, joel and jonah xp
well hope cn get good grades bahs..
its under the macbath theme same as lit
haha muz get good grades this yr man..
anw changed HCL tchr le.. now is Zhou lai shi
haha quite ok larhs today write self introduction so she cn read n understand us beta(?)

aft that geog lorrs...
sad la mrs bala go lerhx
new tchr OMG sia
she came frm india..some whr dat is called deli i think o.o
same pronounciation anyhow xD
well her slang is seriously OMG
i cnt understand wat she is saying sia..
btw do u guys noe dat to her "copy" = excersice book
wow... oh wel there is gna b some getting use to her bahs..
no choic wn get gd result muz adapt lorr..lol
well had co today... aft sch agn no tym to pin up decor

haiz no food to buy for lunch shortet queue is the vegitarian food lorrs
well went there to buy..
haha sad thier food left little lerhx their fried rice nice sia
heex oh well their food cheapest among all plus big portion
bought rice and egg and some weird thingy for $ 1.30 only
cheap horrs?
hahas sow ent co prac le lorrs
end lerhx esabio gave us scolding cuz of some stuff did by one of the section
oh well went out of sch at 6.20 i think..
lol shyt la make my parents wait..
haiz reached home eat dinner bathe then nw type this post lorrs
oh well... gotta go do geog hw lerhx
cya =]

Sunday, January 4, 2009
~ 7:08 PM ~
lol recently juz joined a new so called spamming club o.o
well oh well.. nt much to say bout it xD
dno allowed to link it mahs but haiz juz link it lorrs..
anw today suppose to b my slacking day but well...
in the end went out with mum lorrs...
oldest sis went to cut hair today.
lol it looks weird o.o but my sis say nice.. haha oh well

went to buy some CNY decor for my dad shop
met ths real nice uncle selling those stuff x]
he gave alot of discounts to my dad so my dad bought mre lorrs..
oh well wonder if our class will need anot cuz if need cn buy frm him
he will giv cheapest price possible xp
aft bought those went tobuy some fish (to eat) for home lrrs..
got this freaking stuck up guy maning one of the store..
lol my dad didnt want to buy frm him lorrs..plus fish nt fresh
went to another store bought frm them prawns n fish then went off
dad went to put in fridge at the store there while me mum wait..
juz remembered sia.. i cnt find suitable pants/trousers/jeans for me sia...

oh wel continued looking for more deco lors..
walk walk walk.. so many ppl evn though still so early
haha went to get some snacks lorrs..
at first only wanted ice kachang..
but then saw one of me fav. fried carrot cake xD
i noe nt healthy la but nt like i every day eat..
lolz so got a plate of that too
then mum wanted to try some beancurd + some other stuff set..
bought that too lorrs...
lol thatbone portion big..
full sia.. doubt cn eat dinner ltr

thats all lorrs hlped dad go hang up deco
lol climb the ladder all the way up then found out nt stable..
lolz the ladder starte swaying abit lorrs..
but wat to do... continued lrrs..
juz nice anging last de the ladder swing to the left..
wa sia nearly fall all the way dwn
lucky me xp managed to stop it frm toppling
thats all lorrs xD had some trouble deciding whr to hang the stuff though
oh well gotta sto le..
quite long post as usual lol o.o
well gtg bathe lerhx
plus i nt fnd my chinese textbook =.=
zzz muz go find
haiz.. oh well tml sch agn
cya nxt time =]

heyys jie sleep early la xp

Saturday, January 3, 2009
~ 10:30 PM ~
haha today first day of chinese tuition..
nt that bad xD
lucky keive ( dno dats his name anot) =X help me reserve a place
haha anw woke up at 10.30 today...dno heard someone keep saying "its 11.45!!"
dno isit my personal body alarm clock..needs winding lolz

anw dad brought grandma for a haircut cuz she wanted to hav 1
maid went to cut too o.o lol
lol by the tym i woke up they gone lerhs..oh well
well packed my tuition bag lorhs...cnt find my file =.=
oh well .. no choice lorhs..left hse at bout 12 i think...
cuz my mum going for haor cut too...
sis wanted too but she going aft tuition

well dad sent me n 2nd sis to tuition
at fu lu sho complex there third year going there lerhs
jiang education for u guys info..
quite a good tiotion centre if u ask me that is
well had a new tchr name i juz forgot o.o
i think is zeng lao shi
xD nice teacher she is
well total the class could take 24 ppl cuz ours big derhx but only 16 occupied =X
well lesser beta bahs... lol n i moved to 5th floor lerhs for the rms
well me n kieve sit together lorrs as normal second frm tchr table..
lol some familair faces but rest all different
found out we r the only ones in front =.=
well total ratio of boys to girls is 4 : 12
worse than last yr.. last yr was 4 : 7
i think..
well today's lesson was bout some life bout a artist..
comics =]
then come the dreaded part.. comprehension bout the comic...
oh well nt that bad=]

aft that letter writing lorrs...
suppose to do in class but nt enuf tym so every1 bring back to do..
well came with the regular holiday hw...
so went to wait for sis at lift lors like last yr.. zz every1 go lerhs then her class dismiss
lol so anw met wit her
lol her friend was asking " s your brother still attending this tuition?"
and was right bside my sis =.=
lol my sis was like pointing to me then she said " oh.."
i so transparent mehs? lolz

anw dad sent sis to whr my mum cutting hair there..
lol rerach lerhx mum still nt yet cut =.=
thier waiting list long sia... 1 hr plus...
haha so anw sis went in wait too lorrs.
but mum oready put her int eh waiting lsit le so nt that bad
anw me n dad nth to do mahs so walked arnd lorrs..
went for a snack...
wanted to get curry puff or popiah but the stores closed ==
so went for indian rojak instead..
kns thier service like shit la...
all dun wn to talk to customer
my dad hav to keep asking them to take order.. walk right in front of them oso they walk away ask thier friends go
kns? well bought lorrs then wait at table...

take so freaking long ... juz to cut up the food =.=
zzzzzz oh well came lerhx so jz eat lorrs..
went bck to find sis... zz still nt yet cut...
aiya dad sianz le so we went bck car lorrs..
mum ask my dad go first since they will take long time..
then the car alarm system got problem =.=
zz keep trying lorrs lucky the alarm shut off...
well went to em dad store there to slack lorrs..
lolz eu tong seng street closed so hav to take detour..
went there do chinese hw
lol completed my letter plus assignment too=]
wated to got oilet so went to 2nd floor cuz 1st floor they renovating =.=
wlao outside so many girls lolz
they were gna perform ltr bahs...

sianz lah the thought of pushing past them to go toilet so i juz went bck dwn lorrs..
haiz.. at first palnned wna hav dinner ltr aft meet with mum
but they ate le so my dad told me go eat first lorrs..
had the usual for me =] curry rice
dad had curry noodles
well eat lerhx juz go put plate bck then juz walk arnd lorrs..
juz nice the fireworks went off..
wa so loud xp but nice
didnt c it though =.= too far
anw so much smoke sia it produced
the whole sky arnd that area all smoke
anw went dwn lorrs dad said go see see

walao ehhs so many ppl =.=
well saw my mum n sis dwnstairs so walked with them lorrs..
sis say dun wna walk so dad bring her bck up to shop
while waiting bought a coconut to eat xD
lol beta then last tym =.=
last time buy open up water all spill n stuff .. zzz
oh well finished it then went to c some stuff.. dunno the name of the thingy
well met with dad lorrs.. then dad went to buy some stuff for the teachers at child care centre
saw this boxes of total 16 or 20 taiwan jelly selling lorrs
dad needed to buy 8 boxes so ask them how much..
actual price $20 per box...
zzz dad asked cheaper they said $15 lorrs
lolz dad said buy 8 boxes ask them cn $ 12 per box anot..
then tehy say muz buy 10 at least to get $ 12 per box
cuz that guy nt the boss
oh well dad say ok lorrs.. so paid him $ 120 first

he pack pack pack lorrs.. so he told us cn go take the soft chewy thingy f.o.c
so mum go take lorrs..
lolz zz i forgot stick sticky derhx then go eat..
lol all stuck on my braces.. irritating sia.. oh well nt that bad juz gotta brush harder tonight
anw carried 5 boxes my dad carried 5 lorrs..
lol mum said got easier way to cut thru to go bck to car..
in the end walk so far keep turn turn turn...
zzz could hav juz went up a flight of stair case then reach but mum brought us keep turning turning

lolz..oh well finally reached lorrs.. my hand abit pain lolz
oh well got mre customers so go hlp abit lorrs..
b cashier xD
well so done le go put the stuff in the car
oh yea..juz remembered..so sianz so msged some ppl for nth xD
lol jo dun stress urself sia go sleep early xD

haiz..ended quite late about 9.30 - 9.45 leave there
drove home lorrs..
lolz sis slept in the car..
well thats the end lorrs.. wat more can i say?
xD the end of today

wat should i do ??

Friday, January 2, 2009
~ 6:29 PM ~
lol was chatting with jo on msn when dno y talked bout funny show xp
lolz wanted to put in template as personal reminder to watch this show
but dunno whr to put so juz put as a post lors xD
lucky jo reminded me bout this show sia=] thx loads
this japanese show no matter what will make you laugh de xD
anw it works for me so y nt u? =]
feeling depresssed? then watch this show=]

alright enuf with the advertising..lolz the title u cn juz search in youtube
" Gaki No Tsukai " watch the series starting frm "dont laugh in high school"
i watched the series lerhx so nw gna watch "dont laugh in hospital"


~ 4:02 PM ~
lolz...today waz the first day of school...
haiz..started out BADLY
school bus arranged to pick me up at 6.25AM dwnstairs my hse since first day...
so went dwn at 6.20 lorrs dun wna b late xp
all lights turn off liaoz plus every1 gone lerss left me alone still waiting ..kns la
at first arrange to meet jonathan hoong in canteen cuz i dno whr to go mahs xD

in the end wth sia... the bus come pick me up at 7.10 am... kns..
called my mum to go check at bout 6.45 cuz gotta reach sch at 7 am
zzz driver came lors...so late sia...
wth at first it drove past me..new mini bus wat so i didnt notice...
aft c the license plate then i start to take my bag walk towards it..
suddenly the uncle juz drive off...
so i chase lorrs... chase halfway bus stop...
i tot wait for me sia so i started walking lorrs...
kns...drove off agn ==
so calld home ask mum call driver lors... xD me lazy mahs...
zz he say he go somewhr else first...lol?
so drove to sch lers...dno y he go drive kpe...

anw late for school lorss.. but take school bus gt privilege xD
so late nvm cuz nt my prob mahs..lolz
haiz..saw jonas getting stopped by prefect cuz he late too
waved to him then continue in to sch lorrs..
saw michael ( 2C friend )
wave to him lorrs since didnt know where to go plus jonathan oready went to class lerhx..

well..according to jonathan's directing.. managed to find my class xD
since class locked so went bck find michael lors... jz nice saw him lerhx the national anthem started
so stay there wait lorrs..aft pledge then went up to parade square
mr low as usual saying first day speech xp
we didnt noe whr to go mahs so juz stand at the side lorrs..
who knows prefect saw thought we latecomer wna take dwn or names..
lucky in time tell him cuz of school bus problem so he say nvm lorrs..

but still cnt go to class so stand at side..
lol stand nxt to jonas..
appears he waz late cuz his dad gotta send his 2 bro to sch first then + jam so will late

well mr chia came then check check lorrs..
ask y we late and stuff...
keep telling him its bcuz sch bus late then he let me n michael go..

so he told the other latecomers meet him at 7am on monday..
lol lucky for latecomers juz nce mr low came n told mr chia giv all a chnce since 1st day
haha lucky jonas..
went to class sit there lors..
same routine finish all the talking frm teacher then go bck class..
zzz benjamn took my seat so went to sit at spencer there lorrs..
ps hor ming en took your seat...
well then ms beoy rearrange our places but still same place for me lolz..
in the end agn same nikhil sit nxt to me..lol?
haiz oh well...

jonathan hoong in the end move to the other side of class bside darwish..
lolz sad
so aft that mrs lim ask us do stuff lik plan goals for the year n stuff
nth muc then electing for 2009 class commitee

at first the voting end up is
Moniter : Jonathan Hoong and Siddarth
Treasurer :Mikial
Secretary : Jeremy
Welfare Rep : Me =]

and some other...lolz
but J hoong didnt wna b moniter (lolz?) so became nikhil take his place lors
in the end J hoong became co-welfare rep with me=]

well dats about all.. btw mr maran our english tchr o.o wow
lol anw this year MUST MUST MUST study hard sia...
well went to reccess..wanted to go get my books plus change socks (cuz too big)
but queue too long so decided aft sch go lorrs..
went to meet mrslim with jonathan cuz she wanted us and jeremy n moniters
to meet her..
so dno tok tok tok russell came along too
xD rssell was entrusted the job of eing class key keeper xp
lol he so happy sia xD
he made it into a pendant or necklace wateva way u wna say it xD

well aft that went for chinse class..
SAD MAN... ms yong nt teaching us le...
chng to some other tchr..according o every1 they say she veri tall o.o
lol no tchr came mahs so russell told me all bout the co camp which i missed..
appeared that me,russell,jeremy,jonah n adrian all of us won the " maid award"
lol cuz we hlped arrange shoes b4
their prize waz a candle, 3 leftover lou ma kai, some juice and 5 cup of cup noodles...
lolz but since i nvr go they ate up my share =.=

oh well.. anw so aft ch class went bck to 2g lorrrs..
last lesson is math taught by mrs wong
lol gave us a ws sort of like a spot the difference type of orksheet..o.o
halfway thru class nikhil started to play with ren da's new electric shocker pen =.=

lol end of sch le lorrs... went to collect some stuff frm mrs lim like the timetable..
zzz brought bck to class lorrs..
kns la.. russell promised to leave door open for us so we cn go pin the stuff up..
in the end he locked all the door le.
plus the fact that the lights n fans were nt off =.=
wanted to turn it off but the window nearest to the lighd waz locked..
all other windows nt locked all open =.=
so try stretch to try to pry the windows open lorrs..
haiz so since doors locked we juz put the boards n timetable under darren's table (ps)
monday reccess stay bck do lorrs..
lol wat to do ==

haiz Jonatan gotta go meet fren le so he went off first...
saw queue for the bookshop so long so decided monday then take book.
in the end decided juz go take the books lorrs..
saw wei ming ask him wait for me xD
so queue lorrs..
sian la found out cnt chng OR refund the socks evn though hav nt evn open it yet..
cuz dno wat change supplier lerhx..
zzz nvm lorrs save till sec 3 sec 4 then i wear lorrs..
lol.. shyt...forgot to buy a calculator ==
zz nvm monday buy lorrs...
oh well end of this LONG post xp
go read mac beth lerhx...
tuition starts tml... haiz
btw learned this cool(?) smiley frm nicholas xD
t('-'t) lol.... see the smiley?? mayb if i stretch it a little... t ( ' - ' t )
haha no offense ppl

should i juz forget bout u? its all a wishful thinking on my part...

Thursday, January 1, 2009
~ 8:56 PM ~
lolz back home lerhx xD
actually this morning wanted to go to jb o.o
but in the end didnt lorrs since me sis both cnt wake up lolz
11 + then they wake up so cancel the trip lors

well drove to plaza singapura cuz wanted to buy clothes...
in the end forgot today new year day + big sales so all full hse lorrs..
so drop mum n sis off first thn me n dad go elsewhere to find parking lot...
lucky us found one.. last slot somemore xp

walked to palza singapura lorrs....
went to john little cuz dad wna buy some clothes first...
so chsoe chose chose bought quite a number lorrs...
wanted to buy my own stuff too but pants all too long le no smaller size..
lol i noe im short...
so bought a tee only lorrs...
cost $26 + i think ?

well in teh end left me mum with sis go shop me n dad went off first...
go to tend the shop marhx...
b4 walk back went to buy the taiwanese crispy chicken xD
my fav. sia xD
but dun eat it most of the time so nt tat bad xD

well dad went to carrefore awhile wanted to buy choco for the childcare teachers as presents
but count count count $ 10 X 16 tchrs.... lolz?
so didnt buy lorrs cuz they dun hav tin version dad decided go back last time whr we normally buy de lorrs...

went bck to car... oh ya lucky brought umbrella sia..
i was complaining y wna bring it xD in the end it was useful xD
lol saw this lifesize(?) bolt... lol wondered how to get it but they say muz go thier website to c
lolz sianz la so any1 noe cn like tell me?

in the end me n dad went to car drove to shop lorrs..
kns lights over there tripped so all dark de
plus barrier wun open ==
so manual push it up lorrs..
today got bout $ 300 + in 3 hrs...
quite ok =]

went off bck to plaza sing to pick up mum n sis to go fro dinner..
quite late le i think bout 8 + then pick them
wanted to go to changi there to eat but too late le so went prime buy lorrs..
bought hor fun, 2 fried rice and yi mee(?)
lol plus dad bring home green bean soup n curry frm shop there xD
brought home eat lorrs...
lol i tried all of em xD
prime derhx taste beta then frm econ sia...(no offense)

anw dats all lorrs...
school gna start for me n second sis tml...
so lucky sia oldest sis get another week b4 sch her sch re open ==
no fair sia... hers on the 12th of jan then open
oh well...hope tml will b fun=]
oh shyt... juz remembered...
this saturday start chinese tuition le =.=
oh well... nightz all then xD

school's starting tml... u guys ready??!!

~ 12:00 AM ~
goodbye yr 2008..

haha...oh well yr 2009 will b one tugh year i cn b certain of tht..
wun get to use the computer as much lerx..
but i will try my best bahs..
to post whenever something interesting crops up=]

so pls dun leave this blog dead...
i will b coming in to check for tags every nw n then so dun kill this blog=]


♫ Music To Me ♫

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All About Me

a boy who lived his life in singapore, follows the colour blue...he moved from edgefield pri.sch to victoria school where he will spend 4 years of his life...entered a cca by the name of VSCO whr he stays... a animal fanatic who goes by a nicky 'NoEd' and is officially -PRICELESS-



adopt your own virtual pet!

School website



Evan (Cous)
Sis ♥+

VS1G Friends

Nicholas Tag
En Quan


Wee Bian

6Joy Friends

Ee tien
Ching Ping
Hua Yang
Hui Min


Restricted Zone
Enter At Risk
Lum Fan Club
English Assignment'09
Blog Shop
Another Quiz!
CO centre
How much are you worth?

December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009


purpleandblue2 @ blogskins.com
ladyvictoire-brushes @ deviantart.com