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Thursday, February 26, 2009
~ 7:27 PM ~
nt int he freaking mood to write my blog post bout today.
WTH MAN... my fish still alive my maid go throw away.
she says its nt moving.
then she nvr chec just throw the whole thing away.
wth la.. who she think she is, cn make decisions n stuff.
wth man... so nxt tym if she resting cuz tired, then i talk to ehr she never reply, means she's dead ar?
say nt moving when just a few minutes ago i was playing with it n it was swimming around...
zzzz... mayb too "jing zhang" over a fish, but boy... u won't know how i fel.
frm small feed n play with 'it' till nw grow so big n then she throw away...
there's one thign i wna say..

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
~ 8:24 PM ~
What is your True Fear?
Your Result: Losing Someone

You love affection and the people in your life more than anything. Your greatest fear is that one day someone you care about won't be there anymore. You are a very friendly and inviting person, who draws in a lot of friendships with your kind, considerate, and loyal nature. However, deep down you are slightly insecure and unsure of yourself. You couldn't deal with it if you didn't have one of your loved ones in your life anymore. You don't have too much to worry about though, because with a friend like you, no one will want to lose you either!

Being Alone
Where Your life is Going
Looked down on
What is your True Fear?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

~ 7:42 PM ~
lawl today at lunch jeremy sat on a clump of chewing gum tht was stuck to the chair...\
ewwww... =X and jeremy waz like poking it n saying " yuck..."
lawls... had handball today...
wlao sia, commited so many foul cuz i back pass n stuff..
though i kept shoting the ball into the goal (ok mayb nt always) , alot nt counted cuz my second hand touch ..
wth man...anw sorry to those i hit with the ball, too 'into' to the game...
anw had co test tday..
wlao sia...at first before go in, all the 'tai feng' all i cn do but then go in , suddenly felt damn hot started sweating n stuff, then very uncomfortable n stuff...zzz sia then play until like shit..
im dead man... i dun think i will b going to syf man... shit sia... =.=

and the two oscar attack my fish sia...wth...zzzz nw muz go bu one more tank for it le....ok thts all bahs.. dun wna talk to long.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
~ 9:00 PM ~
gawd man..this muz b the unluckiest day ever sia...
cnt realli remember but the things tht happened..gawd.
ok lets start with the major ones.
lets start frm recess then..
o recess, bought frm western fav ... wth man....
first its so freaking hard, one piece frm my fork broke off...
left 3 sharp edges...
then tried to bite the chicken.. like rock sia my braces wire got bend and ermm, bend outward? snapped..
damn lucky nt fully broken i just my lips to push it bck...
then i tried to attempt the chicken again.
who knows, the rest of the fork cracked, leaving the sharp edges stcking out of the chicken, like a porcupine who has serious needle lss problem...
damn i give up i threw t away.
then after tht went to water cooler...
then drink drink drink suddenly jonathan smash and push my head hard agaisnt the water.
walao la the hard tap whack my tooth and the wres n stuff then push out the sharp part cut my lips...inisde part... wth so freaking pain la.
then started bleeding n stuff...
then got bck my sc results.
wlao scre till so lousy, evn though i studied for it.
lose so many marks to my misintepretion of the question n stuff... wlao ehs.
aiya then alot of stuff happen...lost things n stuff...wths....
haiz..... dun wn say le la.... =.=

Monday, February 23, 2009
~ 6:53 PM ~
had chem ca today.
nt bad la, only tht i went to put pH indicator instead of Universal indicator and one of my formula wrong...
zzz sia lose like i think more than 5 marks...
no wonder ms beoy so easily agreed tht will buy us pizza if mre thn half th class get 30+/35
anw aft tht rest of class mre fun except geog lor..
zzz ms ria last word of 'encouragement' for our geog test tml : you pass then you pass, you fail then you fail, i dont care
zzzzz... and still said "if u pass means u like me"... she wn us all fail sia... lawls =x
anw met eq mum to pass her eq stuff...
then jonah accompanied me to bus stop..
lawls personalised bodyguard =]
bout all bahs, nth much then, only tht my phone switched on during class again == & erm..i nearly lost my earphones...
k cya...for nw...

** cheer up jie( nt rl) =]

ps. forgot to add tht there was a MAJOR fight yesterday!
sadded...didnt record dwn.

Sunday, February 22, 2009
~ 12:28 PM ~
haiz ca1 starts tml ends on wed o.o
lawls... anw phone bluetooth ok le..cheh nt software prob la... the starhub ppl anyhow say
cuz of the phone memory space problem..
juz nidda send files over then ok oready...lawl
anw.. ermm...ok i dunno wat to say..
haiz go do hw le...cyaz

Friday, February 20, 2009
~ 7:55 PM ~
haizz.... got bck my chinese ca results today..
sian la paper did so abdly
and in whole clas only 2 person PASS
haiz..dun ask my grade...i will KILL

anw yesterday meet the parent session.
helped in ushering n cue number taking
plus dad brought the two couch to my class.. awl didnt know it was tht big..oh well
floorings for class will b nxt wk aft ca bahs..

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
~ 7:16 PM ~
stayed bck for decor today.
gna bring the 2 stools to sch for class..
mrs lim bought planks for the flooring.
did the backboard..ended as kind of a disaster then the first time
but wat could we do? its the 5th time we hav pulled all the ppr dwn.
anw did the cutting of the styrofoam boards to make 2 G
lawl abit problem since the pen knife gone.
and the cushions too la.... wth man... who will go take sia... CHEAPSKATE
zzz... gawd, so took the stuff frm mam such as the upboard.
plus good thing, the dead line hav been extended to aft holies.
screwed up my ch exam today...

anw aft tht went outside staff rm toget penknife.
cool sia, the pen knife so sharp, swt =]
did trimming n outlining.
jonathan hoong did cutting, lawl he broke the 'G' then he 'patched' it bck up.
anw dad juz gave a ban of the comp time..haiz reason long la dun wna type
only hav 1-2hr to do hw on comp
end here bahs. cya=]

**will take photo aft class is done decorating

Sunday, February 15, 2009
~ 4:45 PM ~
haiz...sian la my phone bluetooth got abit problem
nw muz go send checking at main branch
the retailer says is the software got abit problem so must go to main holder to check again.

~ 12:29 PM ~
weeets juz thought of a poem.
ok mayb NT a poem but it has four lines which three lines rhyme
doesnt really account but yea... who cares?
its copyrighted by the way.

I know this ain't on time,
But i sure hope you won't mind.
Anyway here it goes,
Happy Valentine!


ok i juz found its kinda retarded when its typed but yea, im gna try it on a few of my fren xP

Saturday, February 14, 2009
~ 11:37 PM ~
lawl, this vid which was randomly searched cheered me abit, its funny xD
dang i dunno how to upload vid...gotta learn
but anw here's the link first

~ 11:02 PM ~
zzzzz...gawd.... how could i forgot it was valentine's day...
i only remembered when i saw the msg....zzzzzz
oh well... damn tired today sia... woke up so early then aft tht go sch then tuition.
wlao eh so sleepy la.
then my phone had to come n giv me problem
the freaking bluetooth dun wna work...wth
cn send out but cnt recieve... wth sia... tml muz go check le.
zzzzz sian la.
and jonah found my bk oready, in his bag...
wait...did i oready said this? aiya dun care la juz tht i found my bk.
and i wna kill my phone
happy valentine's day...

Friday, February 13, 2009
~ 6:28 PM ~
im starting to hate taking photos....

Thursday, February 12, 2009
~ 9:15 PM ~
OMG... i juz had the worst haircut EVER... or at least i think...
gawd does the guy evn noe what is im talking about??!!!
wth... gawd nw the back of my head hurts like hell la...
plus he cut oso nt even derhx... cut here cut there anyhow cut...wth....
GAWD... plus his technique so omg... cnt evn cut straight keep on jerking..
plus he cut the bac of my head there hit me using the razor 3 times...wlao ehhs..
and he jerked the scissors like more than 10 times.... OUCH
wth... dats y i always preferred a malay barber..

btw this guy is a china man... doubt he evn understand wat is amani
tel him cut amani he reply in chinese " ok i will cut short"
that is one barber i will NEVER want..

~ 7:40 PM ~
haiz... make this post quick i guess... well started off w mrs lim finding out of changing seat thingy...zzzz oh well..
then its geog i think...
aft tht recess... usual.... than eng than lit..wats there to say?
aft that went fr co prac...
haiz........ was so mad during lit period whr we were allowed free period.
zzzz.. sry if i offended any1.
ok nxt in co, learned cicada and jiu ge.
jiu ge still left abit nt yet done...still quite shaky for that.
aft tht the usual... lawl.. jun wei i think...found a letter that states the writer wna die.
lawl.. and is bro transferred to liu qin..
gawd... nt tt i du like zhong ruan but i seriously wna go bk to liu qin soon ><
plus, jeremy said there are gna b a batch of new liu qins!
gawd...i cnt wait till syf is over so i cn go join bk liu qin!
anw... ok... loads of thing to say but i cnt remember.
dad picked me, go home...
hahas.... well...
my grandmother isnt feeling well... currently very weak..
gawd... oh my...please i seriously wish she will get well soon.
oh my...... ok... going cut hair at 8 pm... cya..
ohya...juz found out my phone cn be a touch screen!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
~ 9:50 PM ~

Monday, February 9, 2009
~ 8:33 PM ~
woa.... k i wna write ind etail bout what happened today.
b4 all, i wna wish jordan a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
ok here goes, started with CDE-TT. met up with peer ldr.
did some stuff... lawl...no offense but seriously kinda boring.
ok nxt is recess.
mrs lim wanted me to go see her.
zzz and during recess i planned to do my dnt work de la...
ok nvm, so went ahead folo lorrs, as the time to do my dnt work(dued today) all fly away.
zzz go all teh way staff rm
at staff rm she ask us wait outside.
then aft that came out gave jeremy some stuff.
zz and thats all, zzzzz wlao sia, ask us go there be witness?
gawd... oh well so "rejoice" with jeremy
aft that dnt
wa lucky me sia, managed to draw finish my DnT work, XD qquite fun
well dnt lesson.
went to second floor room.
xpxp learnt bout mechanism.
then we had to build a simple model
woa...jeremy jonah n joel managed to complete pretty fast.
ours puzzle different and all the gear all weird weird de.
zzzz managed to compelte half though
russell waz throwing is mini tantrums again xP
keep saying " fien la fine la, i dun help" then he go to jeremy side and crap.
then jonah will chase hima way.
then he will come back and say " i will forgive you"
then jonathan will cahse him away.
then the whole cycle repeats.
lawl funny sia.
lost another of my pencil T.T
ok aft that ch lesson.
dunno what ms virgil say but russell ar **weeet
i will remember what u say bout ms virgil **weet
k aft that, geog lesson.
wernt to com lab
zzz when wrong lab so one group of us randomly walking arnd.
finally fou nd the lab
as usual, super rushing of the lesson.
luckily our group (J hoong, Russ n me) manage to complete the thingy first =]
ok nt much to b happy bout but at least we completed sia.
anw aft tht went bck to class cuz left my bottle there.
LOL, russell didnt have his key so went to jeremy.
aft get i went to show russell he said " i dun hav my key now, im powerless"
lawl so i told him jeremy gave me his key so now he oso powerless lor.
then russell said "noo! jeremy still got power! bcuz ..**censored"
i dun wna say cuz it will spoil the reputation of my CLEAN blog
anw went back to class.
lawl found my ch wb .. left it under my ch table.
took my bottle then saw keith's ch wb too
lawl psps hor keith, nvr take for u
plus keith if u see this " leave a tag at cbox lehx"
anw went for lunch.
more jokes such as dribbling of justin's bottle, back flip of jeremy's bottle, water everywhr....ahh the good times
lawl.... anw then went to co room.
haiz sian la... now then find out cuz co liuqin for syf too many ppl.
so in teh end i tio transfered to zhong ruan.
dotz... oh well, aft syf im gna transfer bck to liuqin anw.
wa nic pro la, he oso tio transferred with me.
he in a short amnt of time oready cn play le.
so gd la... nw come to think of it, all the months i wasted learning liuqin syf all useless la..
wlao and is till practised so damn hard.
in the end all useless...
zzzz man.... haiz oh well, luckily hav nic, weebian and suyun to teach
jonah transferred the songs to my phone, soem got cut off..
haioz ok nw muz practice damn hard for zhong ruan lerhx...
according to bryan, gotta memorise and play all by march 21(?) special for me thats y abit extension...
haiz..... MUST PRACTISE!!!!!!!!!!!
anw aft that went home le lorrs...
dad cnt send me.. sian la and still must bring the zhong ruan home to prac.
nt that i dun wna pratice, is cuz bulky.
boarded bus 48.. went to the backs eat.
wlao got this three guys damn racist lehx.
keep making fun of the indian woman sitting at the opposite seat.
in the end she juz walked away.
lawl feel so sry for her sia.
then a indian guy came in sit there.
then they oso make fun.
suay suay my phone rang, then they noticed me.
anw they went off the nxt stop and i went off at little india mrt.
zzzzz went to top-up my card... zzz juz missed the train.
then got this pri 6 kid(?) came and run towards me to the barrieers.
wlao nearly hit my zhong ruan whole thing collapse sia...
wlao ehh, and when i tot it was bad enuf, the mom n daughter oso run hit me....
like parent like children.
anw went thru wait at mrt doors there.
wlao... got a shock la
normally 7.30 all the mrt quite empty.
this time JAM PACKED
zzzz went in lorrs..
wlao shuld nt hav stood in front of that old uncle la.
nt really old though.
he keep digging his nose then LOOKED at his fingers then ...can i say flick(?) it.
wlao and nt just once sia keep on doing.
suay la so many ppl cnt move away.
then if im nt wrong hit tio my uniform sia... ewwwwww....
zzzz that went on for wuite long then he started snorting(?)
well.... that sure was eww???
anw reached home finally as in reached lrt.
made it in time .... phew..
wlao ehh before that running at the escalator got this girl in front of me...
zzzz her outfit ar... gawd...
anw went dwn at cove .
mom said its faster...
zzzz so dark la.... anw gna reah my block one car nearly got into a accident sia.
lol... aft that saw this kid, if im nt wrong mentally unsound.
as in seriously, im nt making fun cuz ive seen a great lot of them n evn though i ahv to admit their actions may lookf unny at times, but they are realy pitiful.
why do i know? if u knw me u shuld noe. and im nt mentally unsound ==
well after that reached home eat dinner blah blah.
fed fish, 5 worms today blah blah blah
then had erm, that white thing shaped like a ball...
dnno what it is called.
yea quite nice...but zzzzz mum went to put some crushed nuts...zzz one of it abit TOO hard...
bite that time cn feel like my braces move and cn hear a big "crack"
wlao sia... ouch?
ok anw thats about all.. haha ohya forgot to mention that jordan hid UNDER the yang qin just to prevent himself frm being "taupok" and mange xD
plus eusebio's birthday is on 27th! get ready man...heeheeeheee
ok shuld be all for now.. uber long post...very detailed.
i wna go practise that card trick lerhx, * reminder (fast motion of hand to "swaP" cards)

Sunday, February 8, 2009
~ 8:44 PM ~
so fun sia, juz came bak frm outside my aunt's hse.
played with two boxes of party poppers!
woa nice sia,tried to decorat the tree outside near my aunt's hse there
so fun sia, though out of more than 100 poppers less than half went onto the tree
xP took photo of all the empty poppers, and that was only one box!
woa so nice sia, then cous had "war"
se who cn pop most at one go
first my cous pop 2
then nxt pop 3
max pop until 5
then my other cous came bak xD
woa ownage pop 6 at 1 go xD
took video but cnt see much cuz lighting quite low xD
anw thats all, dun wna nag nag nag xD

~ 7:43 PM ~
woa juz had damn nice dinner
aunt had buffet.
woa this restaurant cook very nice sia.
anw evan kor(?) dats what we call, my cous helped my sis to hack for her pet society
lawl he hacked the lvl and money to the max sia.
lawl anw finally got hope for me to get that japanese drum game=]
he download so many psp game sia, and he doesnt play it
lawl, anw dats about all... nw my sis hacked onli $$ nt lvl
oh well.. xP

~ 3:41 PM ~
haha nw i aunt's new hse.
swt sia, nw currenty using my cous's latop.
cool sia, he hav a total of 3 , 2 laptop and 1 desktop, his own if im nt wrong
and one more desktop at the living rm.
cool xD
anw gotta do hw sia.. sian la y muz the tchr still giv homework **sulk
anw my cous juz taught a magic trick.
lawl cool sia muz remember..
sian la i forgot one of the card trick lerhx.. haiz...
anw gotta go bak to hw lerhx.

Saturday, February 7, 2009
~ 10:05 AM ~
woa... today sure waz a busy day man...
when to aljunie mrt station to meet rest of co ppl
jeremy called me and told me that he reached there at 9.15
lawl, swt sia, in the end he waited there for mroe than an hr.
aft that went to geylang polyclinic.
since place too small alot ppl cnt perform.
unfortunately, im part of the "alot ppl"
anw jonah passed me his phone to pass over the songs that he helped me to download.
sad nt allowed to use phone so guess monday then take frm him lorrs.
anw go there lik do nth sia, juz stand arnd
said some greeetings to the more cheerful elderly though.
plus dunno y got this old granny keep on scolding us sia...keep shouting "stupid! STUPIDDDD"
lawl aft that took mrt down to bugis.
on the way to mrt played with jeremy's lego gun xP
and his origami cubes lawl
anw went dwn to bugis fer tuition.
reach bout 12+
too early =.= other ppl still having class.
so juz wait lorrs... sianz la felt abit hugnry cuz didnt eat lunch
mom said bring some food gimme..
in the end at 1 pm then she bring..
zzzz class start le.
so put under my table lorrs...
got some songs frm keith.
class end ON TIME! finally lawl. mayb cuz today no compo.
today write review (?)
anw aft that ate the vietnamese food.
nt bad but i dun realli like it.
anjw aft that went dwn to my uncle's hse.
bought top-up card and a handphone pouch on the way.
went to uncle's hse.
eat agn... this time i eat lesser lorrs... cuz juz had lunch ==
anw the tom yam fish waz quite nice =]
haiz then slack le lorrs... read finish the book that jeremy recommended.
its a ncie book =] (three of diamonds) by Anthony Horowitz
its a very nice bk, thx jeremy =]
anw aft that mycous came bak with ehr friends.
wow, didnt know they were frm SCO ( singapore chinese orchestra)
they played a few songs, some which vsco played b4 =]
took vid with my phone =] its nice
anw my cous know mr seetoh poh lam =] ( instructor)
xp haha anw dats about all bahs..
dun wna make this post longer.
ending is juz take bus go bak since no taxi
then the end. =]

Friday, February 6, 2009
~ 9:49 PM ~
LOL racist but VERY FUNNY show!!!!!!!!

~ 10:03 AM ~
wahahahah today so fun sia.
had extra co prac, juz found out that its bryan's bday!
birthday gratz to bryan =]

haha hope u dun feel that hurt emersius xP
anw for those that dunno, the "mango" that was meant for bryan was dealt on emersius instead cuz bryan too strong o.o
sad case for emersius xP

anw dun wna tok more crap... bye

Thursday, February 5, 2009
~ 9:52 PM ~
woa... dunno y sia... today like super tired ><
anw found 0ut that sis gna be going for braces too lawl
anw... had co prac today, haiz..found out this sat. nt playing but still muz go...
plus still nid go tuition..
i so freaking tired le la...still tuition.
plus we juz recieved a form today stating the other days for co prac.
now become monday, wed, thurs, fri, saturday nid to stay bck?
sianz la....

haiz... at least i managed to finish packing my files today =]
weeeeeeeeee... ok.... zzzzz so sian T.T

to a certain someone : cheer up kays? =]

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
~ 7:11 PM ~
woah....today;s PE damn tough sia...
ok cnt say very very very tough.
did erm curcuit? training today...
though it seemed ezy, its actually tiring sia.
had to do push-up, sit-up, cheenies(?), burbies and erm squats?
ohya and also running arnd the field with someone jabbing u every other second =.=
anyway its tiring , but its so called to b very gd...
haiz... dun feel like doing homework but tis piling up...what to do what to do..

~ 7:05 PM ~
xD afraid that i will forget what are the shows i used to watch so i guess i'll juz list them out here.
for my own sue dun wna see dun see =]

-Crayon shin chan
-Gaki No Tsukai (high school series)
-Jeff Dunham

ermm.. i forgot the rest...well i guess i wil update this post
yea if u dun wna see this post dun see...the end.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
~ 7:12 PM ~
went for tightening today.
lawl went alone..first time o.o as in when there aft sch
thn went in lorrs. had to wait fer 45 min =.=
went too early ka..
didnt noe will so fast
anw had extra 2 more ring..
wlao ehh...pain.. =.=
plus $15 for those 2..
zzz nw teeth pain sia..
everything all extra tight...haiz.

~ 6:37 PM ~
my teeth hurts like hell now...
im in a super bad mood le..so dun piss me off...
anw, today most able tor emember thing that happened in school is OPW grouping
sian la the group that we already planned out in teh end all wasted...
got put into random groups..
lawl actually wanted j hoong, jeremy,russell,jonah and me.
all five of us oready agree together,,
in teh end... haiz all 5 of us seprate all different group LOL
my group in the end consits of benjamin, jacob, J ang, daryl and me...
oh well nt that bad, we gotta design a heritage tour thru still road...
for some primary kids... haiz.....
aft that missed 20 mins of OPW cuz went for braces tightening
aft that PLNNED to go to j hoong hse to complete chem hw.
in the end cnt since timing all wrong cuz last minute nidda get extraction.
woah ... tightening nt that bad but extraction...
gawd dunno y but aft extract i freaking pissed..
mayb bcuz of the pain.
this time dunno y aft effects more worse..
aahh.. really pain T.T
mayb cuz extract with braces, nw damn pain sia...
anw couldnt make it to j hoong hse, lucky passed my thumb drive to j hoong oready..
anyway this took great effort to write considering how pissed i am...
well...dun feel like eating dinner le... my teeth hurts like hell...
kay dats all...

i wish i can talk to you right now...this minute, this second...

Monday, February 2, 2009
~ 7:43 PM ~
nth much cn remember today only that sec one cn only come this thurs...
plus this saturday going geylang lerhx...lool
and tml braces tightening, get to miss 20mins of lesson lool
anw waz seeing russell's hw blog , wa he so sad sia, nobody tok to him he hav to tlak to himself
anw he allow me to post his messsages so here goes...

chill guys!! the party's just started

2 Feb 09, 18:46
Emo: I want a copy.. i want one!! sniff

2 Feb 09, 18:45
Russell Lee: Nahh, you don't have the same name as me .. LOL

2 Feb 09, 18:45
russell's best friend: some for me leh mr lee?

2 Feb 09, 18:44
Russell Lee: Read my book the singapore tru ghost stories russell!! free copies for you of course..

2 Feb 09, 18:44
russell's best friend: russell yea!! this blog rocks!@! love it XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD

2 Feb 09, 18:43
not russell: hello!! russell my good friend! party oh ya!

2 Feb 09, 18:43
russell: this is just annoying

30 Jan 09, 17:54
russell: to ask me to go to yours...

30 Jan 09, 17:54
russell: so you come to my blo

28 Jan 09, 11:59
russell: 5 posts...

28 Jan 09, 11:37
russell: Awww c'mon.. someone post something??

28 Jan 09, 11:28
russell: aawww my playlist is screwy

26 Jan 09, 18:54
russell: speak all noobs

25 Jan 09, 16:15
russell: reply la else i will kill you all you afro lovers out there

21 Jan 09, 18:14
russell: someone reply lah

20 Jan 09, 20:00
russell: yay im so lonely

20 Jan 09, 20:00
russell: finally 3 posts

end lool anw he allowed this so nth is wrong with it =]

Sunday, February 1, 2009
~ 9:04 PM ~
weeeeeeeeeee so fun today.
left hse at 12+ if im nt wrong.
went to my aunt? hse.
i lvoe going thr sia.
today nt much didnt go swimming.
went to play billard.
lol my cous(?) taught me beta techniques n stuff, fun =]
woa time past real fast sia, time for dinner lerhx.
went bck up for aunt's cooking
lool seprated to two table, 1 table for adults the othr for those under 20 yrs old xP
cracked loads of jokes n stuff, so fun sia.
anw left at bout 8 pm.
so sad had to say goodbye, especially to jone(?) nt real spelling but dats her nickname
she's so cutee x3
and VERY talented, for her age.
anw dats bout all.
sadded too alte le plus tmlg ot sch in the end didnt manage to go to my uncle's shalet there.
as in he booked a place there for barbecue but couldnt make it T.T
sobbs... oh well, this is a short post since i gtg chiong my D and T hw le.

~ 12:08 PM ~

♫ Music To Me ♫

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

All About Me

a boy who lived his life in singapore, follows the colour blue...he moved from edgefield pri.sch to victoria school where he will spend 4 years of his life...entered a cca by the name of VSCO whr he stays... a animal fanatic who goes by a nicky 'NoEd' and is officially -PRICELESS-



adopt your own virtual pet!

School website



Evan (Cous)
Sis ♥+

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En Quan


Wee Bian

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Ching Ping
Hua Yang
Hui Min


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purpleandblue2 @ blogskins.com
ladyvictoire-brushes @ deviantart.com