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Monday, March 30, 2009
~ 8:41 PM ~
lawls juz had a chat wit jo jie xp
so long nvr chat le.. too bad had to end so soon.
nt tht have alot to chat but dno y i juz wna
but sad nid to type out tht report thing...
anw dno how i did it but i juz sprained my toe ==
btw since when did durian cost $15?

~ 7:36 PM ~
zzzzzzzzzz... left pencil case at home today ==
lucky today nt much homework based subjects.

Sunday, March 29, 2009
~ 3:38 PM ~
lawls toda there waz a wedding(?) or some sort of celbration near my house.
should be related to some biker gang cuz there was a SWARM of bikers swarming to the car park in one big group sia.
should hav gotten a photo.
suay for them started raining.. lawls.
well they left already..
n i didnt get a pic again...
oh well lawls now nidda go chiong hw le... cyaz

Saturday, March 28, 2009
~ 4:30 PM ~
lawls.. sis had her two extractions today..
gee n she said i waz a big whiner when i had MY extraction.
she should tape herself n hear how much she was shrieking man.

Friday, March 27, 2009
~ 8:49 PM ~
recently opened a new blog xP
currently all those vids that i wna see AGAIN yet lazy to save in fav. will be saved there. =]
link will be under OTHERS column

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
~ 2:03 PM ~
btw juz got worms frm nic xP
anw if u guys get stuck on the game post on tag.
its quite simple XD

~ 1:55 PM ~
weeeee.. e-learning day, get to stay home today...
well still nid do hw via computer though,
completed geog sc n hmt. tml is math dnt and 1 mre...
lawls. sc freaking difficult =X
anw here's a game u shuld try..
Arrow keys to move. Space/Ctrl to select

Play Games at AddictingGames

Monday, March 23, 2009
~ 9:00 PM ~
omg... pain like hell man.
btw this is the first day of sch, a new tryout.
ok dun wna chat bout tht.
my arm is bleeding....
and i met hidayah o.o (archery friend)(same age)(girl...)**DETAILED?! russell dun ask bout this in sch

~ 5:52 PM ~
haiz... mrs lim came in to play "chess" again.
sian la this time move seat to the back.
argh... hopefully still cn hear n see bahs. my eyesight nt perfect anymore, abit degrees oready...
**chess means rearrangement of seats
this are the type of days i wish she didnt came into the class..

Saturday, March 21, 2009
~ 3:49 PM ~
had rico exchange today.
ok nt really a exchange since all we did was play music .
well there were AT LEAST 7 schools.
ranging from RI, mayflower, KC, greendale(?) etc etc.
nt bad la but abit boring when others play so SOME of us started handphone games.
reached sch at 7.30 am btw.. tired >< last night slp late mahs
anw our turn to paly our set piece quite scared la.
abit stage fright. lawls.
well played some parts wrong.. dunno y keep miss string.
anw aft tht so called refreshments.
didnt evn hav? well we had drinks xP
aft tht went bck sch le lors.
jonah send adrian a virus xP well for fun the type tht cn control his phone.
but his phone had some sort of protection disable the virus.
lawls dno jonah told him le anot.
anw went tuition lors.
didnt wn to.. actually didnt thought i could go cuz it was suppose to end at 1pm? or mayb later.
well the normal blahs.
then come home the end. and my phone is having a little problem... zzz

Friday, March 20, 2009
~ 8:41 PM ~
so bloody mad nw..
i wna kill man.
ok dun tok bout this first
tok bout the things tht happen today.
today's prac ended earlier two hrs in fact..wait isit 1 hr?
anw reaced late today.. sianz la.
missed th first bus.
then when FINALLY got dwn 62( dunno y driver so freaking slow o.o)
saw 55 in front of it elft.
funny la the driver (bus 62) dun wn to open the bus door evn though at bus stop. wait for in front bus drive off then open.
zzz suay la the bus tht drove off was bus 55..
kns la so chase lor.
zzz chase waz fruitless.. it drove off without evn looking bck.
so wait lorrs. saw so many bus pass.. 51,72(?) some other buses and some other same bus then finnaly 55 come
zz look at watch know garuntee tht cnt make it in time la.
zzzzz.. so juz go on.
then started to rain.
wth la.. didnt bring my umbrella..
... keep hoping tht rain would stop
lucky lor stopped when reach vs,
drizzling so nt tht bad.
haiz late le lorrs reached co rm at 2.20pm
z... oh well. prac lorrs.
then syf rehearsal walk-in
nth much to it then released and blah blah..
went to hostel with russell to grab some snacks b4 leaving.
wnted to take out the clorets giv the uncle at the guard post but then b4 took it out we were oready walking pass him.
zz plus my hand dirty so well.. nxt tym bahs.
prob on monday aft sch. aft co i guess..
anw took bus home the usual..
haiz.. dun wna tok bout y i angry le.
but seriously.. zz nvm nt feeling tht angry le.

Thursday, March 19, 2009
~ 11:11 PM ~
... didnt wna post but oh well.
anw weird stuff happened.
sianz la b4 left for co my water bottle boom...
my whole bag wet so ahd to go bck home get new de.
grabbed a bun b4 going dwn agn
waz eating halfway then saw this mother screaming at her daughter(?) freaking loudly.
her daughter kept crying.
guess she didnt noticed me cuz she went on to hit her. scolding at the same time.
till her daughter fell on the floor and as she bent dwn to (NOT HLP THE DAUGHTER UP) continue scolding, she saw me.
woa.. she looked scary.
well she stopped and juz walked of, leaving the little girl nxt to her pick the one she hit up.
whew... sure was kinda freaky.

anyway aft tht co same stuff..
went to dad's shop since quite late le.
took 197.
at tht point i wished tht i took 55(bus home)tht came b4 it.
this WEIRD old lady (nt really) came in n sat nxt to me.
wow talk bout a chatterbox.
she sure cn chat ALOT.
then she went to the seat in front and took up the whole seat by putting her stuff.
when ppl wanted to sit she said no space cuz she tired, dun wn sit with the stuff on her lap. then she keep turn back to me n say she live in jurong thts y.
like keep turning to me to gain reassurance. and alot ppl stared at me =.=
cuz of tht.
then this china guy came sit bside me.
then she made a cold joke and laughed at it herself, and then went on to say a racist joke bout china. to the china guy nxt to me
boy.. he sure was angry, but tht lady keep laughing.
then she asked me bout my school and stuff =.= i juz smiled and tried to turn away.
then she told em bout ehr life story, including bout her daughter. stuff like she ehrself studying too much and going into a mental hospital n blah blah blah.
i sure was wishing y i couldnt b liek the other ppl arnd her, just frown and turn away.
well sure waz glad when finally reach my stop.
oh ya, she said some stuff bout religion and gods n stuff..
haizz... sure wished i went home instead.
well thts all i guess. dunw na type le

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
~ 7:12 PM ~
haiz... sad la today cnt go class outing cuz of co prac..
its the march holies right? u wun beleive the schedule.

Mon - CO prac 2.30 PM - 6.00 PM
Tues - homework day
Wed - CO prac 2.30 PM - 6.00 PM
Thurs - CO prac 2.30 PM - 6.00 PM
Fri - CO prac 2.30 PM - 6.00 PM* maybe wun hav
Sat - RICO exchange 7.30 AM - 1PM
Sun - SYF 1st rehearsal 12.00 PM - 7 PM
Mon - school starts again..

so guys...dun complain bout having a short holies ok..
nt tht im complaining but yea.. u know xP
oh well..thts life. as what jonah would say , if you cnt beat em, sucks to be u
well.. hope the outing was fun...
haizz... anw thought today would be combined in the end is sectionals.
zzzz sia.. and to think i dragged myself there cuz tot is combined evn though i waz sick ==
oh well.. nt bad la practised tht same song agn. im getting better at it =]
haiz n i scared hav to stay at zhong ruan until sec 4 .. nt tht i dun like but i still prefer lq =[
oh well.. we juz gotta wait n see

Monday, March 16, 2009
~ 7:23 PM ~

You Are Mint Green

Balanced and calm, you have mastered the philosophy of living well.

Your friends seek you out for support, and you are able to bring stability to chaotic situations.

You're very open and cheerful - and you feel like you have a lot of freedom in life.

Your future may hold any number of exciting things, and you're ready for all of them!

What Color Green Are You?


You Are Truth

You are communicative, talkative, and honest to a fault.

You love telling others about yourself, but not as much as you like hearing about them.

You connect easily with strangers. You're very open, and you can find common ground with people.

You love to gossip and tell secrets. Telling all is how you get close to people.

Are You Truth or Dare?

lawls... very true

Your Love is Based on Friendship

For you, chemistry doesn't really happen without compatibility.

Companionship and openness are the most important parts of your relationships.

Whoever you love should be your best friend.

And falling in love with a good friend is never out of the question.

Why your love can last: You only fall for people who you truly understand... and who truly understand you

Why your love can fail: Sometimes you don't admit how important physical chemistry is to you

What Is Your Love Based On?

i didnt know that....

Your Greed Quotient: 37%

You're a little greedy, but generally you don't let your desire get the better of you.

You know that good things will come to you - as long as you wait your turn!

How Much Greed Do You Have?

dang... i was hoping for a below 20%...

Your Sunglasses Say You're an Artist

You are clever, unique, and a total nonconformist.

Your sense of fashion is based on your own personal creativity.

You need to be shaded from the mundane parts of life.

You feel sunniest when you can express yourself freely and without judgment.

The Sunglasses Test

this is totally freaking true.

Your Love Style is Agape

You are a caring, kind, and selfless partner.

Unsurprisingly, your love style is the most rare.

You are willing to sacrifice your world for your sweetie.

Except it doesn't really feel like sacrifice to you.

For you, nothing feels better than giving to the one you love.

What's Your Love Style?

what in the world is a agape?

You Are Influential and Skilled

You are balanced, orderly, and organized. You like your ducks in a row.

You are powerful and competent, especially in the workplace.

People can see you as stubborn and headstrong. You definitely have a dominant personality.

You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.

You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.

At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.

You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life.

You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you.

At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself.

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.

You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.

You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

What's Your Name's Hidden Meaning?

thats kind of cool.. though how true is it?
well this marks the end of the quiz fot today.

-jac : just go to www.blogthings.com

~ 7:18 PM ~
my green lq/zr pick miraculously appeared at the door today... freaky...

Thursday, March 12, 2009
~ 7:35 PM ~
lawl today fun sia xP
stayed back in co room cuz waiting for dad.

justin found a ping pong ball so we started practising throwing.
then jeremy went into the middle and it became 'monkey'
then russell n jonah joined it became dodge ball.
then we started using our palms to hit against the mirror and it became squash.
THEN. we got our files, it became table tennis.
aft tht the seniors joined it it became team battle
then... we got random stuff and it became... "RANDOM STUFF PING PONG BATTLE '09"
ahh.. the joy of evolution xD

lawl wacky stuff were used such as the amazing bonging KETTLE! and the weird shaped..UMBRELLA! then the chairish...CHAIR! then the biggggg CHARAM BOARD!
and it goes on and on... from cases of instruments to math books to dusters, even a remote control!

well the fun ended when the ball got slammed shut into the one and only.. JIE FU BOX!

then my dad called T.T
well tht ended the game.



Sunday, March 8, 2009
~ 4:05 PM ~
You Are a Despot
You're dominant and powerful. You always need to be in charge.
While others respect your competence, you can be a bit of a dictator.
Hard working and serious, you never let yourself down.
You are exact and accurate - and you expect others to be the same way.

Your strength: You always get the job done

Your weakness: You're a perfectionist to a fault

Your power color: Gray

Your power symbol: Checkmark

Your power month: April
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

~ 3:55 PM ~
You Are Honest
You are pure, moral, and adaptable.
You tend to blend into your surroundings.
Shy on the outside, you're outspoken to your friends.

You believe that you live a virtuous life...
And you tend to judge others with a harsh eye.
As a result, people tend to crave your approval.
The World's Shortest Personality Test

Your IQ Is 80
Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average

Your Verbal Intelligence is Above Average

Your Mathematical Intelligence is Average

Your General Knowledge is Average
A Quick and Dirty IQ Test

~ 3:50 PM ~
Your Hawaiian Name Is: Keahi Nahele
What's" Your Hawaiian Name?

~ 3:48 PM ~
found out tht there waz a new maid today..
i didnt evn knew the previous when o.o
Anw dun wna crap much...make it short...
bought three game sets for the class..
quite cheap, $2 each. but abit small..lawls
hope it wun get destroxed =X

Friday, March 6, 2009
~ 9:01 PM ~
official sports day today.
got bck my results, some tht is.
nt bad la .. at least ermm...nt bad?
got bck eng,math & sc today.
english got 21/25 + 32/50 = 74... wlao ehh so close to A1
sc got A1 =] i tot fail sia
math got A1 too.. phew
ar..sian la hope eng mr maran cn abit lenient giv my blog 1 mre mark xD
n geog =.= haiz.... muz base on tFu nw. plus ch..double haiz...
anw went to vjc for sports day.
damn boring so me n russell went to take attendence for class..
lawl so much fun than stoning on the seat.
then play with flag.
sad la they removed their snapple machine =.=
dotty dotz.
russell waz abit ermm..?
played with their voting balloon xP
then wen to tree hse.
lawls got this sec ones jumpin on the bridge.
then russell when to point at the sign tht says " no mroe than 3 person and no jumping + running"
the sec 1 see so scared all quickly run out and down, shouting too. lawls.
cn practically feel the whole tree hse shaking sia.
then went to other side suay suay teacher come say dun go up
lawls me n rusell chiong dwn n ran off lors xP
well the vjc's got their a level today.
some crying sia.
some freaking happy n alvin has a gf weet xP
anw aft tht tired le mah so went bck to sit.
lawl mountain dew spill all over the floor my bag abit wet cuz it waz near it =.=
went over to the tchr place sit on chair xP more superior rest sit on grnd we chair xP
lawls ohya, sports official had race xP
then tchr race. lawl ms virgil gna reach le suddenly mr siow n another tchr chiong, lawl in the end she third xP **claps
anw then russell had a photo taking compe with me. lawls?
then against mrs lim (?)
lawls fighting the camera, we prevailed xP
nah we deleted all the photos =X
then walk with russell bck lorrs, wanted to jsut go take bus then he keep sighing..
zzzz so go with him walk to sch.
juz nice go tehre saw bus 55
xP lucky sia
then sit bck dwn to vjc met other classmates
saw angus too xP
anw then aft tht this indian kids came in ( frm vic)
wlao. wth sia they were like monkeys sia jumping arnd in the bus.
angus saw le lik freaking angry he went up to them n say " cn u all STOP playing in the bus"
then they said " co person" then they were like lughing at it =.=
and they dun evn noe i'm a co guy.
wlao thn they started crapping arnd .. making fun of random sec 1 victorians who r short.
i wanted to just go up to them n ask them shut up man
they so pro ar ? NOOBS
going dwn the bus juz push past them they oso cannot say anything.
bloody noobs so pro ar? watch out la .. bully ppl u will get bullied man.

anw waz quite late when reached home.
haiz nth much to say le.
my dog nw whining le wn me to play wit him
xP kays cyas =]

Thursday, March 5, 2009
~ 8:57 PM ~
Your score on this personality test was 49%

Others see you as sensible, cautious, careful & practical. They see you as clever, gifted, or talented, but modest not a person who makes friends too quickly or easily, but someone who's extremely loyal to friends you do make and who expect the same loyalty in return. Those who really get to know you realize it takes a lot to shake your trust in your friends, but equally that it takes you a longer time to get over if that trust is ever broken.

Personality Quiz
Take More Quizzes

~ 8:25 PM ~
sianz la
must have make-up detention cuz today nvr go.
now...dun get it wrong, its cuz of mrs lim's " one for all, all for one " policy.
so cuz of 1 or 2 ppl whole class tio lorrs.
plus nw syf coming all of us more prac, every monday,wed,thurs,fri,sat nidda go for prac.
only tues free for all our project,.
then our make-up detention hav to b on tues =.=
gawd...and we hav 2 projects to rush out.
damn.. haiz
anw dunman high co their drummers damn fierce sia...
forgot to mention last night
plus we spotted a jonah look-alike xP (no offense)
**jonah look alike = hav afro
ahh...ok dun feel like talking much le la..
plus got bck lit n geog results today..
haiz...didnt score well for geog and did quite ok in lit
well..dats life, nid my tfu to pull my marks le...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
~ 11:39 PM ~
ok im damn tired nw la..
gawd still nida do my math wb ==
lucky completed the txtbk questions..
anw so late cuz had to attend a concert today.
by dunman high.
lawls..well had co prac till bout 5?
then everyone spilt to go to concert
me, jeremy,jonah n russell, followed eusabio, since nt really sure whr to go.
lawls sec 2 among the sec 4 + 3
anw we were kind of extra..didnt know they already booked a place in the restaurant(?)
but oh well its jsut 4 since the table waz quite big we could add in more chairs,.
each of us bought our own crap.
lawl wanted to buy something extremely spicy but cnt find so i settled for mee goreng
plus i cnt chew well cuz of my teeth ==
ok anw all the food (individual) cost $3.50 each, nt bad..
n jeremy bought BEEF noodles juz to spite... grrrrr... lawls
well couldnt finish eating so didnt lorrs.
lawls went to toilet to change, went with jere n russ
didnt know the door was unlocked, all of us waiting outside like fools.
lucky knock then found out it was open..
lawls tried to climb into the cubicle but jump and grab the wall then found out freaking dirty ==
lawls go wash hand lorrs.
aft tht change went bck.
lawl hid eusabio's bag then send clues to him to find his bag via msg .. lolz
well then went to take bus 196.
by tht tym we know we garuntee late.
lawls wrealli late sia.
we reached at 7.21pm and it starts at 7.30!!
plus still nid walk quite a distance.
so all of s chiong lorrs, lool everyone run together damn funny sia.
but still we missed the first song, all of us sweating like mad lolz
went in b4 second song started, met rest of the co peeps inside.
lawls, jeremy brought a binoculars but int ehe end everyone take and spread arnd, poor jeremy
haha, played the 'who cn clap first when song end' game, lawls.. halfway thru the performance suddenly someone's phone recieve msg, waz like they play play play then suddenly " Beep, You've got a text msg Beep" xP we were laughing but some other ppl in front were kinda angry.
lwls jeremy lost his bino aft all.
but nt for long, found bck agn.
wlao his bino damn clear sia, cn practically sdee everything evn if u were sitting at the bck
russ was looking INTENSLY and he was so close to drooling when he looked thru the bino at the performaers (mostly girls) xP then nudge him he say "what la, seeing their picks and co badge la"
well ended 30mins later when out at 10++ dad fetched home then nw type this post first lorrs.
k damn tired le, go do hw le bahs, bb

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
~ 7:14 PM ~
arrgh... damn tired sia today..
dunno y.
anw frm nw on im gna NVR drink frm water cooler water =.=
as in unless really nid la.
its like our school the water all so stale and taste freaking weird.
anw stayed bck today complete project..
fun? lawls finished bout 5+ then slack till 5.30 then when out of c'room
dotz... on the way home dunno y so tired ..slept all the way.

haiz anw my teeth hurts lik hell la. my lunch use swallow de... cuz chew pain...
and suay(?) today uncle frm c'rice store gave me n russell a plate of chicken cutlet w/o the rice free...
and the auntie frm the noodle store gave me crabstick free too..
lawl? and then i cnt eat == wlao eh..
lawls.. anw my band fr teeth nw chng to grey.
didnt noe what colour mah =.=
ok gtg ...

PS . lucky sia u joel, get free iphone ars.. -.- lawl

♫ Music To Me ♫

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

All About Me

a boy who lived his life in singapore, follows the colour blue...he moved from edgefield pri.sch to victoria school where he will spend 4 years of his life...entered a cca by the name of VSCO whr he stays... a animal fanatic who goes by a nicky 'NoEd' and is officially -PRICELESS-



adopt your own virtual pet!

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