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Friday, May 29, 2009
~ 6:12 PM ~
LOL fun sia todAY WENt for bowling as class outing.
didnt went for co aft all lors..lucky eusabio excuse us =]
anw got bk results too
didnt do tht well got 13th in class
okok... haiz mayb post grade nxt tym
anw won the group 3rd placing
lolm another trophy to join my last year 3rd place team bowling trophy=]
scored a double strike in the game which helped quite alot
got 120 points as a result since following balls nt tht gd
anw one of my best..n yala i noe nt gd but at least pass 100 right?
anw was 35 points to best bowler as kokul got 155
grats sia kokul...im impressed
so close sia until he got a spare strike spare then he overtook me =(
oh well =]
sure was a fun day
tml going for boat ride...dunno how it will b like
oh well.. thx to kenneth dad for sending me n russell to mrt =]

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
~ 4:22 PM ~
lol quite a slackish day today.
today was official arts day and it was suppposedly fun
well im nt veri sure wat it was like since i didnt participate much
cuz? my diorama ( d&t) group got the best diorama so we had to display it n advert. it
well it was kind of fun but jeremy did all the work
cuz of tht we missed quite a number of the activity
me n j hoong escaped frm the street Jazz activity.. it was sooooo weird
lol and the tchr was dragging anybody who didnt do the dance up and nearer
lol so we went off lor
went to classroom to take wallet n j hoong practised his marching XD
so funny sia...no offense but it looked lik a peguin march xP
anw juz remebered tht had prefect interview today
so boring la muz wait till 2pm for it to start
anw went to the room to wait to enter flexi room for interview
lucky sia hansel let me go in as the first few so dunnid wait so long
anw read the letter mrs lim wrote for nominating me
woa..dun think im tht good sia
anw hope i did well lor...tried to b as confident as i could but i guess i did ok
only the last question seriously stumbled me
it was to rank the three things accordingly, results,cca and prefectorial things
lol how to answer sia...
so i said i would try to equal them all out as they were all equally impt..
oh well all the best to me though i still wna try to b psl if i can =]

Saturday, May 23, 2009
~ 9:08 AM ~
damn i hate chain mails sia...
though it MIGHT npot or could be completely faked by some guy that just wants attention, it gives me the creeps...
i dno y sia...
so pls, if u recieve one of those letters dun send it to me...
anw, sry to those that i continue sending it to

btw, results are out!
some good some nt tht good
oh well the rest will b out on mon so i will post them up on mon.

Thursday, May 14, 2009
~ 12:10 PM ~
woohoo exam end le and tml hav one full day since other levels still having exams =]
dunno lucky or unlucky sia
got the comics i want and bus came on time
unlucky is i ACCIDENTALY stepped on my dog's leg(now he is pissed) and rammed my leg against a board...now my leg starting to bruise a little..
dots...oh well

Friday, May 8, 2009
~ 6:17 PM ~
today waz math paper
haiz didnt do well for this paper sia...
part 1 the questions nt tht diff. but too little time
part 2 th questions diff and time alot
ahhh.... cnt get a A for math le...
haiz TT and to think is tudied so hard for it
anw 3 more papers and no more exams =]
anw here is a video from my fav. anime(i dno why it is counted) shin chan
its cartoon and some might think its childish but well, can i say i lived with it

it has a nice ending =]

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
~ 5:04 PM ~
weee, bought dad a cake at four leave today
they evn gave a bowl...wow? ==
anw first time notice that there would actually b so many ppl at compass...it didnt seem tht many last tym...
anw discovered a prayer stand at my school
or u cn call it a altar
its kinda freaky since its at a dark corner and so but oh well..
anw sry to those who tag evn though i dunno if any1 tagged but i cnt tag bck if u did tag cuz only hav tym to post... dun wry its gna b ok i will reply aft exam =]
today waz hmt compo letter & listening compre
tml's science... wish me luck =]

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
~ 12:42 PM ~
weeeee today geog exam finish at 9.30 =]
so shiok cn go home early
went library to return bk
took 76 =.= big mistake sia
turn inside then keep turning
zxzz waste time
at least finally reach
so went dwn the bus with a girl who looked damn familiar sia
oh well so gave ic to library person
nowadays they wna take ic cuz of swine flu thingy
lawl kind of stupid
anw returned bok then go home
so weird sia so early cn go home
oh well

Monday, May 4, 2009
~ 1:56 PM ~
exam starts today... every1 please wish me luck...lol jk la nt tht despo

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All About Me

a boy who lived his life in singapore, follows the colour blue...he moved from edgefield pri.sch to victoria school where he will spend 4 years of his life...entered a cca by the name of VSCO whr he stays... a animal fanatic who goes by a nicky 'NoEd' and is officially -PRICELESS-



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